My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 840: Banquet, her stunning appearance

Chapter 840 Banquet, her stunning appearance

 When Yu Anran woke up, she smelled the smell of disinfectant again. She had a special affinity with the hospital ward recently.

“If her body continues to be overworked like this, more illnesses may accumulate over time.”

 An originally healthy body turns into minor illnesses due to repeated fatigue, and minor illnesses accumulate into serious illnesses.

Yu Anran remembered that she seemed to kneel down in front of Beiye's villa until she fainted, and the man was cruel and did not come to see her.

 Yu Anran opened the door and happened to see Chu Sui talking to a doctor.

 After finishing speaking, Chu Sui brought some medicine and handed it to Yu Anran.

Yu Anran said sincerely, "Thank you."

Chu Sui thought of his boss's attitude towards Yu Anran, but he still served Yu Anran attentively out of respect for "she might be the future boss's wife".

"Miss Yu, you are working too hard. If you don't adjust your work and rest schedule, your body may not be able to bear it."

Most people would smile bitterly when hearing this, and would take the opportunity to express their helplessness, but Yu Anran put the medicine aside calmly, and said with the utmost care, "Thank you."

 There is no need for her to tell others about her suffering, because the person who really decides all this will not feel sorry for her.

After Chu Sui left, Yu Anran felt uneasy staying in the ward.

She thought that Kitano might have teased her a little when he first came back, but she didn't respond, so the little feeling Kitano had for her was exhausted.

Bei Ye is a man who needs passion, but she can't give it.

If offering her body doesn't work...she doesn't know what to do.

She once knew nothing about love, and the only thing she could touch was given by the man named Kitano.

 When Kitano no longer guided her, she was at a loss and her emotions were blank.

There was a business banquet recently, and Yu Anran took a break before going out on behalf of his mother.

 Those around her wanted to persuade her not to be so desperate, but she had to be strong.

 There are many people at the banquet, maybe she needs to find a suitable partner?

This was not the first time that Yu Anran went out to a party, but it was the first time that she deliberately beautified her appearance and changed into an exquisite evening dress.

The beauty with red makeup is stunning, even her beauty is enough for people to spend a lot of money on her.

 When Yu Anran appeared, those people could hardly recognize him.

“Whose lady is this? I’ve never heard of her in City S.”

 “It still looks a bit familiar.”

 Most of the people at the banquet talked a lot about her.

Yu Anran looked calm and allowed everyone to look at him.

  I don’t know who told her that she was Miss Yu’s family, and others looked at her with a little more expression.

“It turns out to be the Yu family that is going to fall recently.”

 “It’s better not to get into trouble.”

“Such a beautiful beauty, I will cooperate with her even if I lose money!”

 Many men expressed strong interest in seeing Yu Anran.

But some women will be jealous and speak sourly, "So you used to deliberately hide your beauty, but now if something goes wrong at home, you dress yourself up to seduce men?"

"Look at your sour words. Even if she is trying to seduce a man, it is because she is capable."

 Having proud beauty is indeed a skill.

Yu Anran's plan was successful. She didn't have to seduce anyone in particular. Many men gathered around her and wanted to discuss cooperation with her.

 At this time, there was another sensation on the field.

There is a drama on Chinese Valentine's Day. Recently, people like to let them receive red books.

   How about leaving a message on 99 and giving a blessing to receive a red book?



 (End of this chapter)

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