My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 841: One man can't satisfy you

Chapter 841 One man can’t satisfy you

The appearance of Kitano caused another wave of craze. After all, outstanding people dazzle wherever they go.

Some young girls were ready to make a move, but Beiye walked straight in the direction of Yu Anran.

Some girls were very reluctant, "I said she came here to seduce people on purpose. Why would everyone go there? What's so good about a woman who takes advantage of her beauty to get ahead!"

 Excellent people will always make people jealous.

 “This man looks so manly and handsome. I like him.”

"What's the point of liking it? People like the one in the middle who pretends to be pure and pure. Can you do that?"

 “Then you can’t either!”

  They would exchange words if they disagreed, but their common jealous enemy was still Yu Anran.

But to be honest, Yu Anran, the person involved, did not know that Beiye would come, let alone that Beiye would walk directly towards her.

Yu Anran stared at the person in front of him, and the noise in his ears seemed to be cleared away all at once.

Bei Ye did indeed come to her side, and even got close to her in full view of everyone.

Feeling his approach, Yu Anran's heart beat like a drum.

 But I heard a very gentle taunt coming from my ear, "It turns out that a man can't satisfy you."

Yu Anran's divine light suddenly turned cold.

 She looked at Bei Ye, the corners of her lips slightly raised.

 Bystanders saw the smile at the corner of her mouth and took a breath even though they knew it was not a smile.

This woman was born to be favored! If she smiled from the bottom of her heart, wouldn't it take away people's souls?

 But Yu Anran didn't know what he was capable of.

She just didn’t want to admit defeat and be embarrassed in front of Kitano.

“President Bei, everyone should act according to their own abilities, right?”

  “Well said.”

Others don’t know what they are talking about, but they all have a feeling that the atmosphere when these two people get along cannot be interfered with by others.

 If it is destroyed by force...

“Miss Yu, Mr. Bei, it turns out you two know each other.”

 There are always strangers to disturb.

But this also made Yu Anran breathe a sigh of relief.

 She actually didn’t want to look at Kitano because it was very tiring.

Soon, the two of them were blocked by more and more people, and Yu Anran felt like a fish in water among them, and he refused to accept the door that came to him.

These are her last fights, and there is no way to refuse.

 Lin Zi is big and has everyone. Everyone approaches Yu Anran in the name of cooperation, but there are still people who want to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of her.

Yu Anran felt someone touch her hand, and she pulled away instantly.

“Miss Yu, I think you are a very charming woman. I think we can talk about something else besides cooperation.”


“Hey, Miss Yu, there are so many people watching, so don’t burn the bridge by crossing the river.”

Yu Anran frowned, she felt that she might have met a rogue.

She took two steps to leave, but the man caught up with her.

Someone in the crowd muttered, "It's that guy who got rich again and wants to **** pretty women when he sees them."

 “It’s quite pitiful for Miss Yu to be entangled with him.”

 “Yes, scoundrels are the most terrifying.”

 Because they are thick-skinned, they won’t reason with you!

Yu Anran felt that the man was annoying, so he kept walking forward to get rid of him. After he walked out, the man followed him.

Yu Anran realized that this person was shameless and unreasonable.

 “I said, I reject you, don’t follow me anymore.”

“Yu Anran, don’t be so shameless.”

The man said that he was about to touch Yu Anran’s face...

Mr. Bei: I’ll break my hand for you!



 (End of this chapter)

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