My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 855: the first lady

Chapter 855 The First Lady

 “Qiao Li, did you do it on purpose?”

"Aren't you tempted?" She deliberately bit Ye Xichen's ear.

 Not tempted?

How can soft incense be pregnant, or the person you like?

Not only is it tempting, but it’s also about taking action, okay?

Ye Xichen picked her up easily, patted her little crotch, and said with gritted teeth: "You have become more capable!"

"I did it on purpose. A man's life can't just be work. How about I help you relax?" Ye Weiwei did not deny that he was deliberately seducing, and even leaned over to kiss his lips.

This time it was like thunder from the sky stirring up fire on the earth, and the passion that was ignited could never be extinguished.

 Early morning on the second day.

When Ye Xichen woke up, he found that there was no one beside the bed, but the breakfast and milk on the bedside table clearly indicated that Ye Xichen had just left not long ago.

Ye Xichen didn't ask her to see her off at the airport, because she often traveled on business, so this was as normal as going out and taking a car.

Ye Weiwei ate breakfast to fill his stomach, and instead of going to his own sound engineer to record songs, he went to Ye Xichen's company.

Secretary Zhao did not go on the business trip because he wanted to stay in the company to suppress it.

When Ye Weiwei went to the company, Secretary Zhao was surprised, but he still treated her well and did not dare to neglect the serious boss lady.

Secretary Zhao gave a brief report on Ye Xichen's itinerary, and also told Ye Weiwei everything about today's work situation.

Secretary Zhao thought Ye Weiyi came to inspect the company's office on a whim, but he didn't expect that after he finished his report, Ye Weiyi sat down on Ye Xichen's office chair and started processing documents.

Secretary Zhao was confused about this.

It's not that he's afraid of Ye Weiwei causing trouble, because Secretary Zhao knows that his boss's wife's ability in this regard is no worse than his secretary.

He just doesn't understand. Didn't the boss say that the boss's wife will develop into a big star in the music industry in the future? Why did he come to work in the company as soon as the boss left?

“Madam, what are you doing?”

Ye Weiwei looked up at him and chuckled, "Don't you see? I'm here to work."

“But didn’t Chenzhong say that you won’t deal with these things in the future?”

“Oh, that’s nonsense. I’m all sitting here. How can he still lie?”

After hearing this, Secretary Zhao wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and said, "Okay, listen to Madam."

How dare he refute Ye Weiwei's words.

Secretary Zhao turned around and told Ye Xichen about this.

After seeing the message, Ye Xichen only replied with two short words: I know.

Ye Xichen, who was far away from home, had a headache when he saw what Secretary Zhao reported. He felt that Ye Weiyi would take action yesterday, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

He is outside now and can't control Ye Weiwei at all.

 Before Ye Xichen finished his business trip, Secretary Zhao told him good news.

 A planning proposal that was not passed before was successfully passed after the only late-night revision.

 Ye Weiwei completed another big business in just one day.

  Secretary Zhao’s admiration for Ye Youyi instantly rose ten degrees!

“Madam, you are so awesome.”

“Really? More powerful than your boss?”

Secretary Zhao didn’t dare to compare with these words, so he could only muddle through with a hey.

Ye Weiwei smiled and shook his head. After a while, he heard that Madam Ye was coming.

 Mrs. Ye came to see her.

 “Have you been dealing with the company’s affairs these past two days?”

 “What’s not allowed?”

"I don't care about the company's affairs. I just want to ask, when are you planning to hold a wedding with Chen'er?"

 (End of this chapter)

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