My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 856: have a baby as soon as possible

Chapter 856: Give birth to a child as soon as possible

Ye Weiwei pinched her ears. She suspected that she heard wrongly.

Mrs. Ye came to the company specifically to "see her" just to ask when she and Ye Xichen would get married.

"You...I..." She suddenly didn't know how to answer Madam Ye's question.

Mrs. Ye, on the other hand, showed a very decisive look, "It's yours and mine. Now that we have obtained the certificate, we should seize the time to hold the wedding."

 “No, I want to ask, why?”

 It’s no wonder that she and Madam Ye only communicated in this way, because neither she nor Madam Ye could completely let go of their grudges about the past.

 But now Mrs. Ye came to ask her about the wedding, and she was not prepared at all.

Mrs. Ye coughed twice and stood there proudly like a lady, "After all, my son has a good reputation. You have already received the certificate, but you still held the wedding early..."

 “We have our own arrangements.”

“I don’t care what your arrangements are, the wedding will be held within three months!”

what! I said this quite nicely just now, but now I used a commanding tone.

Facing Madam Ye like this, how could she say "Mom"?

"Mrs. Ye, we are adults, we know what to do and what not to do, and whether to hold a wedding is not a way to test feelings. As long as we are truly together, the wedding is not important."

"Nonsense! My son is the president of Ye's Group. No matter what he does, he must be above board. In short, I don't care whether you care or not, this wedding must be held!"

Ye Weiwei rubbed his forehead, feeling that he could not have a normal conversation with Mrs. Ye.

After all, I am already married to Ye Xichen, so I can't criticize others like I am doing the right thing, but what Mrs. Ye said always makes people unable to help but refute.

 Maybe it’s because they don’t share the same aura.

"Mrs. Ye, if you have any special arrangements, you can discuss it with Brother Chen. If he agrees, I won't have any objections."

 “You know he’s listening to you.”

  “…” There’s really nothing we can talk about today!

 “So what do you want me to do?”

“Discuss with Chen’er, find a good day to hold the wedding, and then have a baby as soon as possible.”

 Mrs. Ye's voice seemed to be a little softer after talking about it.

 Ye Weiwei seems to have grasped something important.

Having a wedding or having a baby?

“Madam, are you talking about having a baby? Do you want us to have a baby?”

“Now that you’re married, isn’t it normal to have children? There’s nothing to make a fuss about!”

It is indeed normal to have children after getting married. She was surprised to hear this from Mrs. Ye.

“Well, I still want to tell you that we have no plans to have children yet.”

  She is only 23 years old now. If she gets pregnant and gives birth to a child, she will not be able to do anything.

 Furthermore, Ye Weiwei specifically applied, “I still have my own job.”

It’s just that Mrs. Ye felt unhappy after hearing what she said and asked her directly: "What kind of job do you need? Isn't it possible that a company as big as Chen'er can't support you?"

Ye Weiwei shook his head, "This is different. I don't need to be a rice bug being raised by others."

If possible, she hopes to help Ye Xichen share his troubles.

 But Mrs. Ye was not willing to listen to her reasons and directly raised her hand to make a stop gesture.

Mrs. Ye said firmly: "I don't care what you think, as long as you give birth to the child, you can do whatever else you want. I will raise the child."

 (End of this chapter)

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