My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 863: Do you like me?

Chapter 863 Do you like me?

Just after she changed her clothes, Beiye suddenly reached out and pulled her over, held her in his arms, lowered his head and asked, "Do you like me?"

This is the first time the two have brought up sensitive topics face to face since they met again.

Yu Anran looked into Beiye's eyes and saw her own appearance in his eyes.

 She thought of an image from long ago.

At that time, Kitano asked her to stare into her eyes to see what was there?

Yu Anran, who had low emotional intelligence, was of course unable to master Bei Ye's tricks. She thought there was something wrong with Bei Ye's eyes and was worried to death.

At that time, Kitano held her in his arms and laughed loudly, saying, "Idiot, eyes are the windows to the soul. I see you in my eyes and you in my heart!"

 But now, he sees her in his eyes, but not in his heart.

At that moment, Yu Anran felt very panicked.



Just when Yu Anran was about to speak, Kitano's mobile phone screen suddenly glowed and vibrated, making it particularly clear in the quiet room.

The two of them looked at each other at the same time. Yu Anran, who had excellent eyesight, saw the note on it, which was a woman's name.

She felt as if she had been showered with cold water all over her head. She pushed Beiye away with all her strength, walked out decisively, closed the door, and clenched her fingers tightly before letting go.

The only one who was on the phone at night was no wonder it had been quiet for so long just now.

Ye Weiwei also saw Yu Anran come out with a change of clothes and gestured to her.

Yu Anran nodded silently, sat at the dining table and started eating.

She also heard the content of Ye Weiwei’s phone call at this time.

Ye Weiwei said: "I won't go. I won't go back tonight, and I won't go back tomorrow night. In short, I will only go back whenever you let me into the company."

 “Idiot Ye Xichen, I won’t admit defeat!”

 “I’m serious this time, you can’t stop me.”

“Bah, I won’t tell you where I am now, just sleep on the pillow!”

“Even if you find me, I won’t go back with you!”

 “You should give up on this idea!”

If Gong Qianli was around, people would definitely roll their eyes and then instigate her, "You should just hang up the phone!"

 Unfortunately, the person sitting next to him now is Yu Anran.

Yu Anran didn’t know what Ye Xichen said, but she listened to Ye Weiwei’s entire reply.

 There is coquettishness, arrogance, and laughter, but there is no anger or sadness. They are all sweet.

Yu Anran actually envied this kind of night.

 Being pampered unscrupulously, I dare to say anything I want without any scruples or hesitations.

 Because...they both know each other's intentions, and they are people who can be completely trusted and relied on.

"Don't you know that women need to be coaxed? Don't you love your baby? How would I know if you are holding things back? So I won't hold things back. I will tell you clearly, when will you Think about it and contact me again, bye!"

Ye Weiwei said the last word and finally was willing to hang up the phone.

That last sentence just touched someone’s heart.

Yu Anran paused slightly and glanced in the direction of the bedroom door.

The two of them finished their meal in silence. Ye Weiwei suddenly stared at her closely and asked, "An Ran, you seem to have something on your mind?"


"But I can see it. I'm not forcing you to tell me, but I want to tell you, don't keep things in your heart. If you tell the things, you may gain unexpected rewards."

With a character like An Ran’s, she needs someone to give her a push and call for Xiao Lingdang’s assist.



 (End of this chapter)

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