My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 864: An Ran confesses his feelings

Chapter 864 An Ran confesses his feelings

 After Ye Youwei returned to the guest room, Yu Anran stood in the kitchen and hesitated for a while. Thinking that Bei Ye had not eaten yet, he finally filled a bowl of rice and sent it to the room.

I thought I would see that man cheating and staying here, but when I opened the door, I found that the room was empty.

 She walked outside the door and found that the pair of men's shoes on the shoe cabinet had been worn.

 All these phenomena told her that Beiye had left.

  I don’t know when Kitano left, but she thought of that phone call.

Yu Anran has a good memory. She remembers the name "Yi Xueyao" on it, and she is also a girl who once met Kitano.

We are still in contact, and it seems the relationship is good.

She almost forgot that not everyone is as indifferent to feelings as she is. Maybe... everything Kitano is doing now is just because he is unwilling to give in.

 Ye Weiwei did not stay overnight at Yu Anran's house as she wished, because Ye Xichen came to find her in person at around nine o'clock in the evening.

  "An Ran, An Ran, please save me, I don't want to be alone with the bad guys!"

 “Xiao Li, you...come on.”

Yu Anran remembered her previous promise to spend the night, shook her head helplessly, and retreated to the room to make room for the two of them.

“Ye Xichen, go away. If you don’t agree, I won’t go back.”

 “I have no choice but to go back.”

 “I won’t, I won’t!”

I don’t know what the two people talked about. In the end, Ye Weiwei was forcibly carried out by Ye Xichen.

Yu Anran stood at the door and waved to them. Ye Weiwei was still asking for help, "Anran, traitor!"

Yu Anran said to her lightly, "I wish you good luck."

 Then, close the door thoughtfully.

This farce seems to have ended just like that.

Yu Anran seemed to be able to feel the traces left by Kitano here when he stayed alone in the room.

 Suddenly remembering something, she habitually opened the drawer and saw that the skull necklace was still in its place, and she was inexplicably relieved.

Unexpectedly, Kitano left her behind after discovering the necklace.

 She maintained a relationship with Kitano that was only about **** and no love. She didn’t know whether it was good or bad. She kept indulging herself and could not get back on track in the end.

 Perhaps she should make it clear to Bei Ye like Ye Weiwei said. If there was someone else around Bei Ye, she would stay far away and would never get involved in other people's feelings!

Yu Anran is a person who will take action when she makes up her mind. She found the shortest and most suitable time to contact Kitano.

Beiye agreed without hesitation and told her that he would go to the community to find her in the afternoon.

Yu Anran felt inexplicably nervous. She could get off work early that day and bought a lot of fresh ingredients at the supermarket below the community.

Her cooking is not considered delicious, but this time she studied the patterns of the food carefully.

When the appointed time was almost reached, Yu Anran went back to the room, took out the necklace, and held it tightly in his hand.

 The heart beats like thunder.

 It's just that this time Kitano exceeded the time in the past.

Frowning her brows, she didn't feel that Kitano was still trying to trick her in this way.

 But why didn’t you come?

 Will something unexpected happen?

 She rarely takes the initiative to care about others, but this time she couldn't help it.

She called her, but before she could speak, the other party spoke first.


Hearing that voice, Yu Anran couldn't say the next sentence no matter what.

 Because it was a woman's voice, and she heard it clearly.

 (End of this chapter)

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