My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 865: I'm glad you become ill, only you can heal me

Chapter 865: I’m glad you are ill, but you are the only one who can cure it

Yu Anran hung up the phone. Her previous courage was running low after Kitano was late and the woman answered the phone.

The necklace in my hand was clenched and loosened. I glanced at the trash can under the table from the corner of my eye and raised my hand...

On the other side, Kitano just came out of the bathroom.

When Yi Xueyao saw him coming out, she quickly apologized, "I'm really sorry for staining your clothes just now."


 Kitano was not that particular. He just went to the bathroom to clean up a little. The first thing he did at this moment was to pick up his mobile phone.

Yi Xueyao told him calmly, "Someone just called you. I thought it was an unfamiliar number, so I just answered it for you."

Beiye frowned for a moment, took his phone back and looked through the records. When he saw the number he knew so well, he glanced at Yi Xueyao displeasedly, "Don't answer my calls casually in the future."

Yi Xueyao didn't expect him to resist so much. She bowed her head and apologized with a good attitude of admitting her mistake, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I think this strange number is from this city, and I was afraid that someone would come to you with something urgent."

Seeing her attitude, Beiye couldn't say anything harsh.

"Forget it, I'm leaving." He pulled up the zipper and put it on his arm, then strode towards the door.

Yi Xueyao ran two steps to catch up with him and asked, "Brother Bei, don't you want to leave until you have dinner?"

 “I have something else to do.”

 “Well, be careful on the road.”

Bei Ye nodded and called Yu Anran back as he walked.

 But unfortunately, the other party didn’t answer.

 Kitano kept calling, but got no response except the cold voice of artificial customer service.

Beiye punched the car seat, thinking that according to Yu Anran's character, she must have misunderstood.

Bei Ye quickly rushed to the community where Yu Anran lived. He knocked on the door but no one opened the door.

 The person who knows the opposite door comes up.

 The person across the street had seen Yu Anran and Bei Ye walking together, so he knew Bei Ye.

The aunt opposite the door kindly reminded him: "Young man, please stop knocking. When I went downstairs to the supermarket to buy groceries, I saw your girlfriend leaving the house. I asked casually, and she said to go back to her hometown."

Hearing this, Beiye frowned even deeper.

If Yu Anran said he was going back to his hometown, he was going back to the Yu family.

 Kitano sent many messages to Yu Anran on his mobile phone, but received no reply.

Beiye couldn't help but run to Yu's house. When he learned that Yu Anran was at home safely, he left quietly.

 It is impossible for him to go to the Yu family to find someone.

 But the whole night after that, Kitano did not receive a reply.

Early the next morning, Kitano drove to Yu Group and squatted with Yu Anran at the gate of the company.

Seeing Yu Anran get out of the car, he walked over and caught him.

Yu Anran resisted reflexively. Beiye put his arm around her shoulders and whispered in her ear: "It's me."

Yu Anran seemed to be relieved instantly.

 But soon, she became more vigilant and said, "Let go."

 “No, were you angry yesterday?”

 “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Yu Anran broke away from his hand and didn't want to spend time entangled with him here.

 But with Bei Ye's strength, he pulled her back in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Beiye looked at her with particularly serious eyes, a touch deeper than before, "Yu Anran, let's get married."

Yu Anran: "Are you sick?"

Bei Ye: "You have medicine."

I wish you were ill, but you are the only one who can cure me.

Yu Anran was taken away by Bei Ye before he understood what he meant.

 Then, Kitano miraculously created his household registration book.

 Get a red book?



 (End of this chapter)

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