My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 866: Marriage and divorce certificates

Chapter 866 Marriage Certificate and Divorce Certificate

Yu Anran didn’t expect that Bei Ye would come to the rescue and even have his household registration book ready.

 “Where are your documents?”


Yu Anran almost didn't think about it when he answered the question, and responded to his words so naturally.

Beiye was very satisfied with her honesty and drove her quickly to the gorgeous villa of the Yu family.

 “Go and get it.”

Bei Ye said this as if they were a bunch of couples who were about to get married, but Yu Anran hadn't fully realized it until now.

  She did not obey me.

 “Beiye, what tricks do you want to play?”

 “Not to play.”

“I don’t have time to play this boring game with you.” Yu Anran glanced slightly and crossed his arms.

From this performance, it can be seen that she does not believe Bei Ye's words and only regards this as Bei Ye's new way to play with her.

Bei Ye is innocent and helpless.

He wanted to hold Yu Anran's hand, but Yu Anran pulled it out without hesitation.

Bei Ye explained to her, "The person who answered the phone yesterday was my friend."

"Oh." She responded lightly, as if she didn't care.

Bei Ye was always unable to calm down when he met Yu Anran, and his words were somewhat irritable.

 He emphasized, “It’s not the relationship you think!”

 “I didn’t think about anything.”

Bei Ye put his hands on her arms, deliberately pulled hers over, and asked: "Aren't you angry because of the misunderstanding? You didn't answer the phone and didn't go home, so you deliberately left me alone."

Yu Anran did not avoid his gaze, but said with clear eyes: "You are thinking too much."

 It seems unreasonable to reason with people like Yu Anran.

Bei Ye refused to let her go no matter what. He insisted that she face him and said firmly to her: "Yu Anran, let's get married."

Yu Anran lowered his eyes and thought quietly during the silent period.

No one spoke, and the silence lasted for a minute.

 When she looked up again, she seemed to have figured something out, and asked Bei Ye, "Are you sure?"

 “Yes, I’m sure.”


"What did you say?" Beiye couldn't help shaking Yu Anran's arm, seeming a little excited.

 “Okay.” Yu Anran repeated it again when he was slightly excited, giving him a satisfactory answer.

Yu Anran opened the car door and walked straight to the villa.

Bei Ye sat in the car, his hands holding the steering wheel were trembling slightly, and the emotions flowing in his eyes completely exposed the joy that he couldn't hide in his heart.

Yu Anran returned to the villa, and the housekeeper asked a few questions out of curiosity.

“Why are you coming home at this time, Miss?”


“Miss, if you need any help, just ask.”

 “Get out.”


 Sent away the housekeeper, Yu Anran walked into Mrs. Yu's bedroom.

She knows the location of the household registration book and can get it by opening the cabinet and entering the password.

She took the household registration book calmly and calmly, as if she was not going to get married, but just completing a task.

  After leaving the villa, she saw Bei Ye's car parked outside. After Yu Anran got in the car, Bei Ye turned around and saw the household registration book in her hand.

The fingers brushed the corners of his lips, and there was unconcealable excitement on his face.

●Today is a good day. There are many people going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for certificates.

 It was the first time for two newbies to come. After waiting in line for a while, they finally got there.

 It was only when they were asked to fill in the application materials that something was wrong.

 “Isn’t this a marriage…”

“What? Are you here to get married? We are here to handle divorce!”

There was an incompetence, and Kitano was very angry.

Will Kitano and An Ran successfully receive the red book?



 (End of this chapter)

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