My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 868: On the first day of marriage, my heart felt cold

Chapter 868: On the first day of marriage, my heart felt cold

 “Hey, An Ran. Here it is!” Seeing the bride who had just received her marriage certificate, Ye Weiyi waved to her excitedly.

 But it seemed that Yu Anran was the only one coming around.

it's wired?

After Yu Anran sat down, she asked: "Why are you alone, your husband?"

 “He has something to do.”

"What? Didn't you just say that you would treat me to dinner together? Are you very busy?"


Ye is the only one who knows how to watch people's emotions. Seeing that Yu Anran was not in a good mood after receiving the certificate, she guessed that it might be because the other party had something to do and left temporarily.

Ye Weiwei comforted her and winked at her again, "Now you should tell me who the other party is, right? They hide it so tightly."

 “You don’t look surprised.”

“Humph, of course, I’m so smart, I knew you were definitely in love when I left your house that day.”


Kitano must have worn those shoes while walking, so he was discovered by Ye Yuyi who was extremely perceptive!

 Miscalculation, misstep.

Yu Anran did not deny it, "Well, I didn't expect it to happen so quickly at the time, so I didn't tell you."

“So are you having a flash marriage now? Who is it with?”

Ye Youyi is also very strange. Where is the magical boss who can impress Yu Anran and get her to agree to get married in a short period of time?

Yu Anran hesitated and told her, "It's Bei Ye."

"Pfft..." Ye Weiyi quickly covered his mouth to prevent any unsightly situation from happening.

 She put down the water glass in her hand and calmed down.

"You mean, the person you married is Kitano? When did he come back, and when did you get together again. Wow, it's so destined, I should have thought of it earlier!"

 Because there was no news at all, Ye Weiyi really didn't guess this person.

Yu Anran picked out some important things and said, "When you were traveling, he helped the Yu family."

 “No wonder!” No wonder the Yu Group’s crisis is so sudden.

 Learning from Yu Anran that her marriage partner was Bei Ye, this was easier for Ye Weiyi to accept than anyone else.

Hearing what Yu Anran said about Beiye's help to the Yu family, Ye Weiwei believed it without any doubt and they reunited.

“That’s great, this is really good news. Kitano liked you so much back then, and you have been waiting for him wholeheartedly over the years. Now that you can achieve success, it’s really a happy thing.”

Yu Anran reported good news but not bad news, and she hid her thoughts very deeply. Ye Weiwei never thought that her relationship with Kitano was actually very messy and bad, including marriage, which seemed like a child's play.

The only night was a meal, and when he left, he talked with Yu Anran.

 “Be safe, be happy.”

"Ah, you too."

“I’ve already done it, now it’s your turn, next time, next time I will definitely take advantage of the meal you two invited together!”

 “Okay.” Yu Anran nodded in agreement.

It was half way through the morning, and Yu Anran went to work at the company in the afternoon, as if nothing happened.

 After get off work, she suddenly didn’t know where to go.

 Go back to the community? But she and Kitano are married, right?

Going to Kitano’s villa?

Yu Anran thought a lot, especially those words that Ye Weiwei encouraged her to pursue happiness bravely.

 “Xiao Lian is right...”

Yu Anran muttered to himself as the car set off for Beiye's villa.

If she didn't see other women at Kitano's villa, she thought it might be a good night.

 But she happened to see the woman living in the villa.

 (End of this chapter)

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