My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 869: Ranran, you are so cute

Chapter 869 Ranran, you are so cute

What would you think if you see another woman in your husband's house before you move in?

"Why are you here?" Beiye seemed surprised by Yu Anran's arrival.

Yu Anran asked coldly: "I can't come?"

 “How could it be?”

The atmosphere between the two of them is not like that of a newlywed couple at all.

Yu Anran glanced at the woman sitting in the living room and said softly: "It seems that I came at the wrong time."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Bei Ye naturally held her waist and whispered in her ear, "I'm very happy that you are here."

The reason why he was surprised just now was because he didn't expect that Yu Anran, with his unshakable character, would actually come to him, which made him feel an unspeakable... joy in his heart.

 “I’ll take you back to your room to take a look.”

Bei Ye let her go and held hands to lead her upstairs.

Yu Anran turned her head and looked at Yi Xueyao as she left. The two women had different feelings in their hearts.

This was not the first time that Yu Anran entered Kitano's room, but this time he saw a different style of arrangement.

The original dark color has turned into a sober light blue. The style of the entire bedroom is fresh and elegant, which is in line with Yu Anran's appreciation.

 “How was it? Do you like it?”

 “You, rearranged?”


 “” She likes blue, which can make people feel peaceful.

How much courage did Yu Anran have to muster up to ask such a narcissistic question, because the rooms in her community are mainly decorated in light blue.

 Looking forward to Kitano's answer, I felt a little nervous.

Yu Anran's thoughts are difficult to guess, but also simple.

When her expression remains unchanged, it is difficult for others to guess her mood, but if she has a slight mood swing, others can easily penetrate her heart.

 Kitano is the latter.

But he suddenly wanted to tease her, so he said, "Why do you have such an idea? I just think blue is good, let's change the style."


Yu Anran lowered his eyes, and did not feel much joy, anger or joy from this.

Bei Ye couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub her little face, "Why do you have this expression every day? You're only 23 years old. You should smile more."

Yu Anran said abruptly, "Don't you know that you are more likely to get wrinkles if you smile too much?"

 “Of course, you are so cute.”


 Suddenly he didn’t want to talk to Bei Ye.

But she thinks Ranran is a pretty good title.

 “I’ll go get someone to cook, and you can rest here now.”

“By the way, you can get familiar with the layout of this room.”

The implication is that she can look at and touch everything in this room as she pleases.

Yu Anran nodded, indicating that he would listen to his arrangement.

Bei Ye went out.

Yu Anran stood in this room for a while, and the first thing he opened was the wardrobe.

  It’s just that the picture you see when you open it this time is different from before. It used to be all gray and black men’s clothing, but now two-thirds of it contains different styles of women’s clothing.

 She picked it up and felt it, and she knew it was the right size for her.

The room also needs a dressing table with various cosmetics on it.

 Because it used to be Kitano’s bedroom, it was nothing special and there were few things. Now I don’t have much, so there is still something missing...

 Oh, I thought about it, maybe her personal belongings are missing.

Yu Anran walked around the room, feeling a little happy.

 However, this does not mean that she can forget about Yi Xueyao downstairs.

Is Yi Xueyao a guest? Still live here?

 (End of this chapter)

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