My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 870: It's cool to criticize the "mistress" sharply!

Chapter 870: A sharp confrontation with the "mistress", cool!

Yu Anran went downstairs to see Yi Xueyao, but found her coming out of the kitchen carrying a dish.

Yu Anran looked at her actions indifferently, and Beiye walked over to stop her behavior, "Why don't you have to show off if I don't want you to have a good rest?"

“It’s okay, I’m not a wealthy young lady who doesn’t have a lot of money. I can’t take any time off.”

Yi Xueyao said it calmly, but Yu Anran felt that her words were just short of naming names.

Yu Anran slowly walked down the stairwell. She stood there with an innate superiority.

That kind of rich lady, she is the one I'm talking about.

Even though Yi Xueyao was busy doing things there, Yu Anran didn't deliberately go to the kitchen to help.

She was used to being served by servants from birth. If she was competing for kitchen work at home, what was the use of having a chef?

“Miss Yi, there is a chef at home, so you don’t have to worry.”

"It doesn't matter, I'm used to it anyway. When I helped Brother Bei cook before..." Yi Xueyao deliberately stopped here.

“Anyway, it’s all a trivial matter.” She smiled at Yu Anran, her natural and friendly smile looking unoffensive.

 But this kind of smile is what Yu Anran lacks.

Yu Anran heard the meaning of Yi Xueyao's words and pursed her thin lips slightly.

Have you ever helped Kitano cook before? It seems there is an incredible story in between.

 Is it the past of Bei Ye and Yi Xueyao that she was not involved in? How interesting.

“What position you are in and what you should do have already been divided and arranged. As for other things, even if you do them, it will be useless.”

Yu Anran’s words are sharp.

Don’t forget, she majored in law. If she hadn’t inherited the family business, she might have become a gold medal lawyer by now.

Yu Anran is arrogant in front of others and refuses to bow her head.

Yi Xueyao seemed to be ashamed of her words, lowering her head and looking unhappy.


Beiye whispered two words to Yu Anran while she was beside her.

But just these two words were like a heavy stone weighing on Yu Anran's heart, making her almost breathless.

Yu Anran glanced at Beiye calmly, and then walked away from him.

 At this time, the food in the kitchen was almost ready.

Bei Ye let them eat.

 The three of them were eating at the table in unusual silence.

 After dinner, Yu Anran sat in the hall without knowing the room, as if waiting for something.

 I saw Yi Xueyao walking skillfully in this house, not like a new guest.

Yu Anran refused to admit defeat. She waited here to see why Yi Xueyao lived in Beiye's home under what name!

At around nine o'clock, Yi Xueyao said she wanted to go to bed. She said good night to Kitano and then returned to the room.

Yu Anran was holding the newspaper in his hand, but his eyes were wandering.

 After a while, I found that the light in front of me was blocked.

 She looked up and saw Bei Ye's tall figure standing in front of her.

“Of course, when do you plan to go to bed?”

"I do not mind."

Many young people have irregular work and rest schedules, and sometimes she works overtime all night when she is busy at work.

 That's why she said, it doesn't matter.

But Kitano picked her up regardless.

His body suddenly jumped into the air, Yu Anran exclaimed and subconsciously hooked his neck.

"Ha ha."

Bei Ye was so satisfied with her reaction that he laughed out loud and carried her back to the room.

At this time, Yi Xueyao stood at the door of her room, her face pale, but she held the door with great strength.




 (End of this chapter)

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