My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 872: Kitano: I'm married!

Chapter 872 Kitano: I’m married!

 The seemingly calm and cold rejection was unacceptable to Kitano.

Bei Ye decisively left the room because he was afraid that he would not be able to help but get angry at Yu Anran.

 His fist hit the wall hard, blood drawing from the edge of his palm.

 Yi Xueyao rushed out from the side and held his hand directly, "Brother Bei, why did you hurt yourself!"

Just at this time, Yu Anran chased to the door and saw Yi Xueyao and Bei Ye standing face to face, so close, as if the two people were really together.

Yu Anran closed the door silently.

Beiye waved away Yi Xueyao's hand without hesitation, "Leave me alone!"

 Kitano went to the alley where he lived five years ago, but now it is no longer an alley. It has become a commercial district together with the buildings next to it. Their favorite small bar has gradually expanded, and is now well-known in that area because of its affordable prices.

Beiye has been away for five years and has not contacted his friends in City S. If he sets foot in that place, the person who recognizes him will still be the bar manager from back then.

“You kid, you’ve been gone for so long, and the brothers thought you would never come back!” The supervisor punched him, and Beiye didn’t dodge and took the punch directly.

 The brotherhood between men is so wonderful. It only takes a few words or a few actions for them to understand each other.

“Looking at the way your kid is dressed, have you become prosperous in recent years?”

 “Average. But your bar is pretty good.”

“Here I am, just open to make ends meet, just so-so.”

The two chatted for a while, and then someone came outside and told the supervisor that someone was looking for her. It was a woman named Yi Xueyao.

When the supervisor heard this, he glanced at Kitano meaningfully and smiled ambiguously, "Did I follow you?"

Beiye frowned and admitted reluctantly, "Maybe."

When Yi Xueyao came out just now, she asked him where he was going. He answered casually, but she didn't expect that she actually found her.

The supervisor immediately said hello to the waiter, "Go and invite that Miss Yi in."

 Then he gave Kitano an "I understand very well" expression, put his arm around his shoulder and said, "Not bad, have you finally achieved success after so many years of cultivation?"

At the beginning, the supervisor was very optimistic about Yi Xueyao, a girl who was simple and plain, and knew how to live. At least compared to the wealthy young lady that Kitano liked at the beginning, Yi Xueyao was more suitable for Kitano.

 So now that I heard that they are still in close contact, I thought that these two people were already together.

Bei Ye didn’t like hearing this joke and immediately dismissed it.

 “Don’t talk nonsense, I have a wife.”

"What? How many years have you been away and you have even married a wife? Who is she? Where is she? Bring her here and introduce her to your brothers."

 “She is…”

Just when Beiye was about to say Yu Anran's name, Yi Xueyao had already opened the door and walked in.

"I finally found you." After Yi Xueyao came in, she seemed to only see Bei Ye.

 “What are you here for?”

“You running out this late at night is not reassuring, I’m worried about you.”

"I am a grown man, why should I worry?" Beiye's tone was not very good, but when he saw Yi Xueyao's pale face, he softened his tone slightly and said, "Go back and rest."

The supervisor looked at the tone of the conversation between the two and his mind was in knots.

“I said, what is your relationship now? Kitano, aren’t you married?”

 “Get married?” Yi Xueyao looked at Bei Ye with doubts on her face.

 Kitano admitted honestly, "Yes, I'm married."

 (End of this chapter)

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