My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 873: The wife-protecting maniac is online

Chapter 873 The wife-protecting maniac is online

"How come I don't know who you are marrying?" Yi Xueyao seemed to say this in a joking way, but she actually didn't dare to face it because the appearance of Yu Anran made her feel very uneasy.

Sure enough, Beiye told them without any hesitation the next moment that the person they were going to get married to was, "Yu Anran."

Yi Xueyao took a breath of cold air.

The supervisor was caught off guard when he heard the name, "How could it be? Why are you together again?"

 When it comes to Yu Anran, they don’t have a very good impression of Yu Anran.

 In fact, their contact with Yu Anran was not deep. They only met twice when Kitano took him out to play, and they gave him the impression of indifference.

They are a group of people who are playful and lively, so Yu Anran feels too cold to them. It seems that the rich lady looks down on these little minions.

This doesn't matter, after all, it's my brother who likes it, and it's fine as long as he's happy.

until Yu Anran "exposed his true nature" and dumped Bei Ye, and even found someone to beat Bei Ye until he was hospitalized. At that time, they were very repulsive and disgusted with Yu Anran.

 So now when they hear Beiye talking about marrying Yu Anran, they don't want to believe it.

Yi Xueyao took two steps back and stood by the door, seeming to be slowly digesting the news.

After looking at Yi Xueyao's expression, the supervisor pulled Beiye aside, "Why are you with that Yu Anran again? Didn't you learn your lesson? You're stupid, aren't you!"

 “I know what I’m doing.”

 “That woman is greedy for fame and wealth but also has a vicious heart. She is not worthy of your care at all!”

Bei Ye warned displeasedly, "Just because I call you brother doesn't mean that you are allowed to speak ill of my wife. She is my wife, and as long as I know how good she is!"

Bei Ye, a madman who protects his wife, does not allow outsiders to slander Yu Anran.

The supervisor cannot understand him.

 But seeing Beiye’s protective attitude so firm, the supervisor was too embarrassed to say anything wrong about Yu Anran.

 When I saw Yi Xueyao next to me, I felt a little sympathetic.

"Then what's going on with Miss Xueyao? It looks like you two have a good relationship. You...don't know how to stand in the same boat, right?" Although I don't believe that brothers would do such a thing, it seems that we have a good relationship. It's really complicated.

“Bah, I am always upright in everything I do, and my only wife is Yu Anran!” Kitano’s focus is always on protecting his wife.

“Then why don’t you tell me what’s going on with Miss Xueyao?”

“She is in poor health and has no relatives around her, so she is staying at my house temporarily.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are such a lucky boy.”

The supervisor saw Yi Xueyao's plain face and thought of Yu Anran again.

I don’t care what Yu Anran’s character is like, but her stunning face and noble and elegant demeanor are really impeccable.

 Kitano still has a good eye for appreciation. He fell in love with such a beautiful woman and now marries her into his family. Even if the woman had other thoughts, at least it was pleasing to the eye, and it would be extra honorable to take her out!

Yi Xueyao stood for a while and then said she was leaving first.

Beiye chatted with the supervisor for a while, and the supervisor finally accepted the fact that Kitano and Yu Anran were married, and kept teasing him to treat him.

Beiye nodded repeatedly, "I'll contact you guys sometime."

 “Then do you want to have a midnight party now?”

Beiye shook his head, "Forget it, my wife is still at home, I'm going back."

As soon as he went out, he saw Yi Xueyao still guarding outside.

I call you my wife, do you dare to agree?



 (End of this chapter)

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