My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 884: Who is more fragrant, home flowers or wild flowers?

Chapter 884: Who is more fragrant, domestic flowers or wild flowers?

Ye Weiwei thought that Yu Anran's current married life was happy, but she was worried.

Recently, someone has been whispering in her ears, "That Leng Yanxi started hooking up with Mr. Chen not long after she arrived at the company."

 Ye Weiwei was unwilling to pay attention to him at first, but after hearing this, he laughed it off.

Later on, there were more and more such voices, and it was not something she could ignore if she didn’t want to hear them.

Especially once she went to the floor where ordinary employees were and wandered around. In her free time, she heard those people bragging and gossiping, "That Leng Yanxi looks quite honest, who knew she would do such a thing."

“The president’s wife is young and beautiful, and she is as beautiful as a flower. She has also completed a large-scale project for our company. Mr. Chen is not blind. There is no way that he could let such a good wife go without being let go by a scheming bitch.”

“Yeah, I don’t even care about my appearance.”

“But as the saying goes, domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers. Men who love their wives sometimes cheat.”

 A place with a large number of people has always been a place of right and wrong.

 The mouth is on others, and everyone has different opinions, but it's just that if you don't have your own city, you have to involve others.

Ye Weiwei was very sensible and did not directly anger Leng Yanxi, but went to find out more about the reason for the rumors.

It is said that someone accidentally saw Leng Yanxi fall into Ye Xichen's arms intentionally and disappeared.

 It’s that simple, gone, but rumors spread in private!

what is the reason?

Everyone in the company knows that Ye Xichen will not have physical contact with others, especially the opposite sex, except for the formulaic handshake.

But, walking on such a flat floor, Leng Yanxi almost ran into his arms. Wasn't this a sign of evil intentions?

After learning these reasons, Ye Weiwei shook his head and sat calmly in Ye Xichen's office drinking tea.

 After taking a few sips, she stared at the tea cup and sighed: "This tea is good."

“Yes, it was recommended by Leng Yanxi from the Finance Department.” The person who finished speaking was Secretary Zhao’s assistant.

Ye Weiwei raised his eyebrows, "Leng Yanxi?"

 It's Leng Yanxi again, everything is related to her.

After an argument between Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen last night, Ye Xichen finally compromised and she wanted to enter the company to help.

 The only thing that I have been busy with for the past two weeks has not been music. As soon as I heard this, I felt like the whole day was going to change.

The assistant explained to her, "This is not a particularly expensive tea, but it tastes great and is very healthy. It was recommended by Leng Yanxi, so I took note of it. Both Mr. Chen and Secretary Zhao said it tasted good."

“Oh, that’s it. It seems that you have a good relationship with that Leng Yanxi?”

The assistant scratched his head and said, "Where, Madam, I just said a few words after you asked me."

Ye Weiwei didn't mention her by name, but she estimated that the assistant wanted to take credit for Leng Yanxi's words on purpose, so she explained to her so carefully and naturally.

Ye Weiwei sat there for a while. After reading a document, he hooked up with the assistant and said, "Do me a favor."

 “You’re welcome, Madam, please speak.”

“Help me find that Leng Yanxi. I have something to ask her.”

"Okay!" The assistant thought that his unintentional recommendation had an effect. When he went to find Leng Yanxi, his face and heart were cheerful.

The assistant conveyed the matter to Leng Yanxi in time, and Leng Yanxi had to pack up and hurry over.

Leng Yanxi's hands trembled unconsciously at the thought of facing Ye Weiyi face to face.

 (End of this chapter)

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