My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 885: gentle woman

Chapter 885 Gentle Woman

 “Do you know why I’m looking for you?”

  When Ye Wei stood there and asked this question, Leng Yanxi lowered her head involuntarily.

Ye Weiwei is definitely not someone to be trifled with, Leng Yanxi knew that from the beginning.

She could probably guess the only reason why Ye was looking for her now, because the rumors in the company had already spread.

 But Leng Yanxi still shook her head, expressing that she didn't know.

“I heard that you are very eloquent, why don’t you want to speak to me out loud now?”

 “No, no, of course not.”

"Don't be so nervous. I called you here just to ask if you have any research on tea. The tea you recommended to Secretary Zhao's assistant last time tasted very good." Ye Weiwei's voice was soft when he spoke. Soft and not aggressive at all.

 “Ah…” Leng Yanxi didn’t expect this to be the case.

Ye Weiwei asked her to come, without any cynicism or explicit or implicit threats. He just praised her for recommending a very good tea.

Leng Yanxi actually didn’t have much research on tea, and the one she recommended before was just a coincidence. After all, she was worried whether a wealthy boss like Ye Xichen would be interested in the cheap tea from their hometown.

Ye Xichen had no reaction after drinking it, but Ye Weiwei said it was good the first time he came here to drink.

Ye Weiwei checked what Leng Yanxi had done since joining the company and praised her for doing a good job.

 Leng Yanxi could only echo, "If you like it, I can bring you some next time I go back to my hometown."

 “Next’ll be good, I’m looking forward to it.”

 “It doesn’t matter, as long as you like it.”

Facing Ye Weiyi like this, Leng Yanxi always felt inferior to her, and she even spoke with words of honor.

Ye Weiyi's gentle and watery appearance made people feel no danger, but after Leng Yanxi left, the smile on Ye Weiyi's face disappeared completely, and there was a touch of wisdom in his eyes.

She stared at the direction Leng Yanxi left and raised her eyebrows, "I hope there will be a next time."

If Leng Yanxi is smart enough, there will still be a next time.

When Secretary Zhao came back, Ye Weiwei arranged for him to do one thing, which was to check the hospital where Leng Yanxi's grandma was staying.

I learned from this that Leng Yanxi’s grandmother lived in a well-regarded tertiary hospital, which was also a VIP ward.

 “This is really strange.”

According to Leng Yanxi's status as an intern who has just joined the company, her salary is only about 5,000. It is difficult to even afford her grandma's medical expenses. How can she afford to live in the VIP ward?

 After that, she also investigated what happened to Leng Yanxi in the past two years.

Leng Yanxi's academic performance in school was good before, but later she had to drop out of school and work to make money because her grandma was ill. Later, after saving some money at the 'Yese' bar, she worked part-time and studied for the accounting certificate. She was lucky enough to be selected Entered the Ye Group.


 Luck is a thing for people with real talent and knowledge.

Perhaps Leng Yanxi is really lucky to be selected, but letting her grandma live in the VIP ward cannot be explained by the word "luck".

“Secretary Zhao, I have to trouble you to find out who gave Leng Yanxi this good luck.”

 “Okay, madam, please be patient.”

Secretary Zhao went to execute the order after receiving the order, but in just half a day, he had figured out the whole story.

It turned out that there was an interview examiner who had said hello to the others and wanted to give Leng Yanxi a little more chance.

 (End of this chapter)

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