My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 886: Everything the madam said is right (sweet)

Chapter 886: Everything the madam said is right (sweet)

“It seems that she has had a good life in the past two years, and someone has made arrangements for her.”

"Who are you arranging for?" Ye Xichen walked in and hugged Ye Weiwei's waist.

Ye Weiwei opened the electronic file in his hand and showed it to him, "Hey, good stuff."

“What should I do if there is someone in my company who seeks public benefit for personal gain?”

 “Just change to someone who is fair and selfless.”

"Everything Madam said is right." Ye Xichen ruffled her hair naturally. The atmosphere between the two of them was quite harmonious and sweet.

 Secretary Zhao who was passing by said: Am I a dog? Why should you spread dog food anytime and anywhere!

It’s really hurtful to stay with the boss and the boss’s wife!

Ye Weiyi stayed at the company all morning, and he and Ye Xichen showed up to the company canteen for lunch at noon.

The aunt in the cafeteria was frightened and gave the two of them a lot of rice and meat.

 No one dared to come to their table, and Ye was the only one who specifically greeted Secretary Zhao twice when he saw him.

Secretary Zhao smiled and pretended to be calm and calm as he sat across from them. The assistant who was following Secretary Zhao also sat down.

  I didn’t talk much while eating.

However, when Ye Xichen and Ye Youwei were dining at the table, everyone next to them would take a few more glances, and the scene was pleasing to the eye.

“Oh, look over there, Mr. Chen is so gentle to his wife.”

  "Isn't Mr. Chen a germophobe? The young lady even put the meat in his bowl, and he ate it without hesitation."

  “It is said that my relationship is very good.”

The staff muttered quietly.

Leng Yanxi, who was sitting in the corner, also heard the chatter of these people, but she didn't dare to look or participate in the conversation, so she just sat there quietly... speeding up her meal!

However, her behavior was noticed by those who were interested, and they had another meaning in their hearts.

“Look at that Leng Yanxi, she is so ashamed.”

“I heard that the president’s wife called her up directly this morning, and I don’t know what she said. I guess there won’t be such a person in the company anymore.”


Leng Yanxi pressed her chopsticks on the table, paused for a moment, then silently picked up the dinner plate and left her seat.

Originally, she thought that a place like the "Night" bar would not allow her to stay for a long time, but after she came out and gained more work experience, she realized that although the people in these large companies were capable, none of them were fuel-efficient.

 Leng Yanxi has not yet adapted to this complex environment.

  She is more worried now about whether she will be kicked out of the company as others said...

The incident of falling into Ye Xichen's arms was not true at all.

At that time, when she saw Ye Xichen, she had a heavy heart in her heart. She accidentally tripped over the person next to her, but she did not actually fall into Ye Xichen's arms.

 But rumors are like this, and things that clearly didn’t happen will appear to be true after they are spread.

 At the beginning, when there were only a few people, she could still explain it, but the more she described it, the better it became. Those people only thought it was topical and fun to talk about, but as it went on, the explanation became more and more unclear.

It was the first time Leng Yanxi faced such a thing, and she was a little at a loss.

 But she didn’t know that something was coming that made her even more confused.

Ye Weiwei left the company after having lunch with Ye Xichen. According to the address given by Secretary Zhao, she found the tertiary hospital where Leng Yanxi's nanny was working.

“Hello, I’m looking for a patient named Leng who lives in the VIP ward. Which room does she live in?”

 (End of this chapter)

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