My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 894: Mrs. Ye is six weeks pregnant

Chapter 894 Mrs. Ye is six weeks pregnant

“You are not in a hurry sitting here, I am!” Madam Ye pulled Ye Weiwei inside, and others did not know whether they had jumped in line.

 The doctors here all treat patients according to the registered numbers, and there are actually Madam Ye’s acquaintances in this obstetrics and gynecology department.

Ye Weiwei sat down peacefully and explained her symptoms to the doctor before starting the examination.

Ye Weiwei admired the doctor very much, but it felt strange that Mrs. Ye was standing next to her to check her body.

  But such scenes are not unprecedented.

 She lost her father and mother in succession when she was a child. When she went to Yejia just now, she couldn't sleep or eat well. She was extremely frightened and often fell ill.

At that time, Mrs. Ye also regarded her mother as a good friend. Because she felt sorry for her loss of parents, she took great care of her and stayed with her for a while when she was sick.

It's strange that she can remember the memory of seven years old so clearly.

 Perhaps it’s because what happened during that time is unforgettable and may never be forgotten.

I don’t know why, but everything changed slowly afterwards.

 She was unwilling to reach this point.

Let me ask you, when faced with a woman who hates your biological mother in your heart, can you get close to her without any grudge?

 It's just that the bad feelings between the two of them cannot be explained clearly for a while.

 After the examination, Mrs. Ye was anxious to know the results and stayed with her patiently.

Leng Yanxi whispered a few words beside her: "Young madam, although your mother-in-law looks a bit fierce, she seems to care about you very much."

Ye was the only one who listened and did not answer.

 It's hard to tell between Mrs. Ye and her.

“Doctor, how is she doing?”

“Congratulations, Mrs. Ye is six weeks pregnant.”

Leng Yanxi smiled broadly.

Mrs. Ye seemed to be shocked by the news. She nodded with that expression on her face, seeming to be satisfied with the news.

There was no smile on Ye Weiyi's face at first, but then he stared down at his belly and touched it with his hand. Although he felt nothing special, it felt like a budding flower was quietly blooming in his heart.

 “A six-week-old baby…”

 Although it came at the wrong time, she didn't feel repelled at all.

“Qiao Li, come back to the villa with me today.”

 “Ah, but brother...”

 “I will inform him to go back too.”

From this sentence alone, Ye Weiwei heard something else, "Do you mean to go to the villa today or in the future?"

 “Of course you will stay in the villa until you give birth to the child.”

 “Mrs. Ye, isn’t this good?”

The place in Yejia Villa did not leave her with many good memories. That place reminded her of Ye Hantian's existence, and that place was also a prison of restraint for Ye Xichen.

 The gorgeous villa, only Mrs. Ye got up.

She just wanted to stay with Ye Xichen, and living in a warm apartment would be great.

Mrs. Ye insisted on going her own way, "What do you know! Of course my Ye family's grandson must be carefully taken care of. I will ask many people to look after him at the villa to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

"Mrs. Ye, didn't the doctor just say that pregnant women should maintain a good mood to ensure the healthy growth of the fetus? If you pressure me to do something I don't want to do so quickly, doesn't it affect my mood? The final impact is still ..." Ye Weiwei lowered his head and his eyes fell on his stomach.


 There are a few questions about Chinese Valentine's Day. You can answer them in the comment area: The number and gender of the baby? Baby's name? 】

 (End of this chapter)

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