My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 895: Why is she pregnant?

Chapter 895 Why is she pregnant?

"You!" Mrs. Ye pointed at Ye Weiyi and was about to get angry again. She took care of the child in her belly and held it back.

"You are a sharp-tongued girl. I kindly ask someone to take care of you. How can you, an inexperienced person, know how to take care of a child?"

Ye Weiwei nodded, as if he understood her meaning carefully, but turned around and asked, "Does Mrs. Ye want me to go back to the villa, and then you will take care of me personally from all aspects?"

 She deliberately emphasized the words "take care of her personally", and Madam Ye almost wanted to tell her that she was dreaming!

However, Mrs. Ye's thoughts are now trapped by the child in Ye Weiyi's belly, and she would rather suffer the anger than try not to ship anything to Ye Weiyi. .

Madam Ye reiterated, "I said I would find someone with experience to take care of you!"

"That's it." Ye Weiwei nodded and said softly: "Mrs. Ye can find someone, and Brother Chen can also find someone, so what's the difference between the two."

Every word she said had an overtone, making it impossible for Madam Ye to refute, and she couldn't be offended.

 Mrs. Ye finally had no choice but to compromise temporarily.

 But she didn’t give up.

“You are so stubborn now, I’ll go talk to Chen’er myself!”

"Okay, if Brother Chen agrees, I have no objection. I will live in the villa with peace of mind and listen to your arrangements, Mrs. Ye." Ye Weiwei looked obedient and gentle when he lowered his head, but the words between the lines were not simple.

Mrs. Ye was confused again, "Are you sure that Chen'er won't listen to me?"

Ye Weiwei shook his head, "I don't dare. What I mean is, Madam Ye, please rest assured. This child is very important to me."

 She emphasized the last three words.

Mrs. Ye seemed to have held in her breath for a long time and let it out before she was willing to leave.

Ye Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she cherishes this unexpected child, she is still wondering why she is pregnant?

Ye Xichen said that she is still young and it is difficult to walk on the road of music. Pregnancy will only hinder her progress, so she has always taken protective measures.


it's wired.

 Is this child destined to arrive at this time? Is your vitality too tenacious?

With strange thoughts in mind, Ye Weiwei returned to the apartment accompanied by Leng Yanxi.

Leng Yanxi suddenly asked: "Young Madam, you are pregnant now, do you need anyone to take care of you?"

 “It stands to reason that this is the case, what’s wrong?”

Leng Yanxi hesitated for a moment, then boldly stated, "If the young lady doesn't mind, I am willing to take care of you wholeheartedly during your pregnancy until the young master or the young lady is born."

"Why do you say that?"

"Although the young lady has always said that she is not a kind-hearted person, what I saw is that the young lady's kind deeds in the hospital saved my grandma's life, and later she helped my grandma and me many times. This kind of kindness is already There is no way I can repay you. But then I almost believed the traitor’s words and caused a big disaster... Now I have nothing to worry about, I am not involved with other people, and I will not be coerced by others, so let me stay with you to repay your kindness!"

Leng Yanxi stood in front of her, bowed her head slightly, and her attitude was very sincere.

 Ye Weiwei smiled faintly, neither refusing nor agreeing on the spot. He only said: "I will consider your words carefully."

Leng Yanxi didn’t dare to disturb her anymore, so she left first.

Ye Weiwei looked at the turbulent apartment and suddenly thought, wouldn't it be nice to be filled with children's laughter?

 Wait another two hours until Ye Xichen comes back from get off work, then she can share the good news with him!

  Why do you get pregnant? Why is pregnancy happening?



 (End of this chapter)

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