My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 896: Couples should be honest with each other

Chapter 896 Husband and wife should be honest with each other

Ye Weiwei has already made a plan to start cooking dinner an hour in advance. When Ye Xichen comes back, she can tell him the good news of pregnancy!

However, something beyond Ye's expectation happened.

Before Ye Xichen could get home, she received a call from Yu Anran.

Yu Anran said on the phone that she had unbearable abdominal pain and needed her help.

Before he had time to ask clearly, Ye Weiwei had to rush to the community where Yu Anran was located immediately.

She found Yu Anran in the room. Yu Anran had been holding her stomach, her face was very pale, and she was sweating.

Ye Weiwei was busy supporting her, "Anran, let's go to the hospital."

Yu Anran grabbed her arm with his backhand and shook his head, "The doctor will be here soon. I came to you because I hope you can help me."

 “What? What do you need me to do, you say.”

“Help me hide this from Kitano, just say that I will go find you and stay with you tonight.”

"But you feel so uncomfortable..." Yu Anran's request caught Ye Weiyi by surprise.

She shook her head slightly and wanted to refuse, but Yu Anran held her hand tighter, "Listen to me, Xiaoli, you must promise me!"

Yu Anran looked clearly in pain and insisted on hiding the truth. Ye Weiwei could not refute her words at this time, so he could only nod in agreement.

After a while, Yu Anran’s secretary came to the door with a doctor.

Yu Anran’s menstrual period has come, and she has to endure such pain every month because of her cold body.

Ye Weiwei sat by the bed and watched over her, wiping her sweat all the time, sighing and feeling anxious in his heart.

 Under Yu Anran’s urging, Ye Weiyi had no choice but to lie to Bei Ye.

She helped Yu Anran lie down, feeling very distressed in her heart, "Anran, why are you doing this? If Beiye knows, he will definitely stay with you and cherish you even more."

 “I don’t want him to know.”

“But you are already married, aren’t you? Whether it’s happiness or sadness, you should talk to each other honestly and face it together. This is what a couple is!”

 “Xiao Li, we are different.”

"What's the difference? I only know that if I like something, I have to hold on tight. No matter whether I am happy or sad, I will tell him to rely on him. Have you ever thought about it, maybe Kitano wants you to trust him and rely on him of?"

Ye Yiwei was in a very heavy mood.

As a friend, she is naturally willing to help Yu Anran, but in terms of relationships, she really hopes that Yu Anran can relax his mind and accept it, and pursue it boldly, no matter good or bad!

However, Yu Anran insisted on his decision and said categorically: "But I can't let him know!"



The truth is about to come out, but Yu Anran can't say it no matter what.

How can she tell others calmly about the fact that she cannot get pregnant?

Seeing her like this, Kitano would definitely call a doctor, so it would be easy to know that she couldn't get pregnant.

  Whether it was her selfish desire to stay by his side for a while or the little extravagant hope she had left in her heart, she stopped moving forward.

"An Ran, you are always like this, keeping all the pain in your heart. In fact, you can't bear all the pain, but it makes others who care about you more worried."

 "An Ran, how are you..."


Halfway through the words of advice, Ye Wei couldn’t help but run to the toilet to vomit.

Yu Anran saw her movements and had a guess in his mind, "Are you pregnant?"

 (End of this chapter)

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