My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 901: don't separate from her

 Chapter 901 Don’t be separated from her

"The most important thing to her is the Yu family. For the Yu family, she will give up anything."

“Wrong, she didn’t give up the violin voluntarily, but had to give up.”


"because of you."

The only one with bright eyes in the night.

Beiye got himself a cup of tea, and his acquaintance dismissed her words inadvertently, "I don't know when I was so important. This reason is really heavy on my head."

"Is it heavy? If you really want to know, ask An Ran."

Ye Weiwei said: "I once promised her that she could not tell the reason for the rest of her life, but I can remind you that you should ask her, of course not in a questioning tone. You should take good care of her and understand what she has done for you. , instead of just seeing her break up with you."

She pressed her fingers against the wall of the water glass and revealed all the thoughts in her heart that did not need to be deliberately brewed, "Anran likes you, so she will marry you willingly. Anran has been living a very hard life. If you still have feelings for her, Just love her and never separate her again no matter what.”

After saying that, she stood up and said, "Okay, I'm done with today's business, I'm going home."

Beiye quickly stretched out his arms to block her way, "Explain the matter clearly!"

Ye Weiwei slowly raised his hand to press down his arm, "It's not like I want to fall in love. I have to say everything. Isn't it because I deliberately guide your feelings? Some things are always heard from other people's mouths. not good."

This time Kitano seemed to really listen to her words, and gradually lowered his arms as she gained strength.

When Ye Weiwei walked two or three meters forward, he seemed to hear a voice from behind, "Thank you."

 She raised her hand and waved twice, very open-minded.

Unknown to everyone, the scene of the two people intersecting their arms was photographed by someone with a mobile phone and posted online.

Ye Weiwei has already released an original song. Her beautiful singing voice and light-hearted and cheerful lyrics have been well received. Although she did not become famous overnight, her number of Weibo fans is also increasing rapidly.

This set of photos caused some criticism when they were uploaded, but what they didn't know was that in order to prevent this from happening, Ye Xichen had already hired a group of professional technicians to handle this work.

The photo was strangled as soon as it was spread, and even Ye Weiyi didn't know it.

 Because it is not suitable for her to browse Weibo and surf the Internet on her mobile phone now...

This time, she will finally have to wait until Ye Xichen comes home, and she will not miss him again due to other unexpected circumstances.

Ye Weiwei expressed excitement at the thought of sharing the pregnancy news with the people she loves most.

Every Ye Xichen can feel that the atmosphere is different from the past as soon as he enters the house, especially Ye Weiyi looks very happy.

 “You are in a good mood today.”

 “Of course, there is good news.”

“Huh? Your company has contacted you to attend training?”

 “What training?”

 “So you don’t know…”

Under Ye Weiwei's questioning, Ye Xichen told her that people from the music company planned to recommend her to attend training at a professional institution, which would least three months.

Hearing this, Ye Ziwei was at a loss.

Ye Xichen put his arms around her shoulders, but saw that there was no joy on her face.

“Why, you’re not happy to hear the news? Don’t you want to go? I remember you said before that you would be very happy if you had the chance.”


 (End of this chapter)

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