My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 902: Give birth to a son or a daughter

Chapter 902: A son or a daughter?

“Brother Chen, I have something to tell you.”

"What?" Ye Xichen touched her head and asked naturally.

Ye Weiwei raised her head and stared into his eyes. She slowly spoke in his soft gaze and said, "I'm pregnant."

Ye was the only one who managed to see the moment when Ye Xichen's face changed.

Ye Weiwei burst out laughing, and the frozen atmosphere instantly eased.

“Brother, there are times when you can’t hold yourself back.”

  When he heard the news of her pregnancy, he couldn't help but show that dazed expression, which was completely different from the usual CEO of Ye's Group.

 “How can I get pregnant?”

 “…shouldn’t you ask first, really?”

 This is in line with the development of the plot!

 Ye Weiyi’s emotional intelligence is quite high, and she is good at detailed discovery.

It can be seen that Ye Xichen did not question her words. If she said she was pregnant, she was pregnant. He would not even ask her if she was joking with him.

However, Ye Xichen looked down at her belly, and a gentle smile gradually filled his eyes, "Really?"

 “Hmm, six weeks!”


Ye Weiwei felt that his body suddenly jumped into the air, and he almost spun around in circles because he was picked up by Princess Ye Xichen.

 “I was worried that you would be unhappy.”

"how come."

 Happy to hear this, Ye Weiwei reached out to hook his neck and kissed his cheek, "Because you said you didn't want children before, and now his unexpected arrival is a gift. I hope you will like it."

 Without any suspense, he could tell her, "I will gladly accept everything you give me."

 Whether sad or happy.

Ye Xichen put him on the sofa and kissed him a few times. Ye Weiwei reached out and pressed his handsome face, "Stop kissing him, you will feel uncomfortable soon."


“The doctor said that couples are not allowed to have **** while you are pregnant with the baby, remember it~” She looked like she had succeeded in her bad deeds, smiling happily.

“…” Young Master Chen expressed that he was suddenly unhappy.

It was too much to make him angry, so Ye Xichen let go.

 “Don’t be so naughty, be careful what I do to you in the future.”

"That's how long it will take." She hummed and touched her belly, then lowered her head to ventilate the baby who had not yet formed. "Did you hear that, baby? Your dad said he wanted to bully mommy, but he only tolerated me because you were here. Yes, you are awesome, you must protect mommy from now on.”

 “Little Lingdang, is this how you educate my daughter?”

 “What daughter, I like my son.”

 “Then give birth to a son.”

  …”Don’t others have to stick to their own opinions? Why don't you follow the routine?

Although he was happy, Ye Weiwei had not forgotten the business.

“But what about the training at the company?”

 “Push away.”

Hearing Ye Xichen's decisive denial, Ye Weiwei hesitated and retorted, "No, I still want to go. I have to seize this opportunity."

Ye Xichen reminded her, "You are pregnant now."

“But isn’t the shortest time three months? I can end it then.”

“That’s the shortest time to complete the course. What if the time is extended?”

Ye Youwei promised him firmly, "Then I will try my best to learn it as soon as possible!"


“Brother, you said before that having a baby will affect my career, but I’m not the kind of person who puts dreams first. I have people and a baby that I care about more, and I won’t give up on my hobbies either.”

"Or not."

  “Why do you change your face so quickly!”

   A son or a daughter?



 (End of this chapter)

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