My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 903: so called wife slave

Chapter 903 The so-called wife slave

“Okay, okay, baby, don’t be angry, it’s not good for the child.”

 “You just take care of the child and don’t care what I think.”

   …”Unjust, a huge injustice!

 I care about the child because of her body.

“Brother Chen, haven’t you heard that pregnant women are moody? Don’t mess with me, I just want to go.”

Ye Xichen stared at it, considered it carefully, and said, "If you insist on going..."

Ye Weiwei suddenly became energetic and chased after her, saying, "What's the matter? I agree to whatever conditions you have."

Ye Xichen gave the conditions, "I will give you three months to come back, regardless of whether you have completed the professional courses or not."

 “Okay, okay!” Ye Weiyi agreed without any hesitation.

 How fast her mind is spinning. What are she doing now? Thinking about whether she will succeed in three months? As long as Ye Xichen is relieved now, is she still afraid that she won't be able to finish those professional courses?

It doesn’t exist, to say the least, even if she can’t finish studying in three months, she can still drag it out by acting coquettishly!

The only decision that night was to take professional vocal training.

When Mrs. Ye found Ye Xichen and told her about letting Ye Weiyi move to Ye's villa, she learned that Ye Weiwei was going to study, and she almost became angry to death.

"I'm pregnant and I don't know how to calm down. She doesn't want me to find someone to take care of her. Why don't you let her do whatever she wants? I don't care. This child is very important. You can't do anything you tell her. Just raise the baby with peace of mind. ”

“Mom, I promised her that I won’t go back on my word. I have my own sense of discretion when it comes to my children.”

"What do you know? You are all inexperienced. You have to know that when I was pregnant with you, I didn't think about anything, and all I did was good for prenatal education."

“Everyone has their own choice, and she is not that weak.”

"This is not a matter of weakness. You have to know that the child is very fragile when he is in the belly."

Mrs. Ye said as she pressed her head, she was about to explode.

She kept emphasizing to Ye Xichen that the child was precious and no mistakes were allowed, but Ye Xichen insisted on protecting Ye Weiyi. Mother and son had a disagreement, and Mrs. Ye had a quarrel in the office.

Ye Xichen continued to work when he got tired of hearing this, because he felt that he could not communicate with Mrs. Ye.

 Over the years, I have learned enough about Madam Ye.

 Mrs. Ye’s opinions would not be listened to even if she was reasoned with. She just wanted to make clear arrangements for others.

The only way to refute Madam Ye is to have the ability to resist, so that she has to give up her own ideas.

This is probably about eating the hard stuff and not the soft stuff.

 The training arranged by the company was in City G. After confirming the location, Ye Weiwei rented an apartment there.

Ye Xichen proposed to find two people to take care of her. Ye Weiwei touched her belly and agreed happily, but...

“But I already have a candidate now. Brother, just help me find someone who understands medical care.”

 “Who did you find?”

 “Leng Yanxi.”


 “Brother, don’t worry.”

Ye Weiwei's expression and tone were very determined and full of trust.

Ye Xichen dismissed her words, "If you let someone who is not loyal enough stay by your side, how can I rest assured?"

 “Don’t use it if you doubt it, don’t doubt it if you employ it.”

 “Yes, she is suspicious in my eyes.” All cannot be used.

 Yeweiyi: “…”

 “Just wait, I’ll say goodbye to An Ran.”

 “Her and Kitano?”

 “Yeah, I don’t know what’s going on.”

 “We’re getting a divorce.” That’s what Ye Xichen told her.

 (End of this chapter)

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