My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 911: Only Yu Anran can save Yi Xueyao

Chapter 911 Only Yu Anran can save Yi Xueyao

“Have you received the divorce agreement? I have signed it. After you sign it, give it to the lawyer. The contact information is 136********”

This is the text message Kitano received from Yu Anran the next day.

 In a rage, he tore the document he had just received into pieces.

 But Yu Anran seemed to have expected it, and soon another one was delivered to his door.

Bei Ye was holding the cell phone and almost destroying it again, but suddenly thought of Yu Anran's stubbornness, so he put the agreement away.

Contact the lawyer according to the number in his memory, and let Chu Sui spend some time with the lawyer before reaching an agreement.

 “Boss, the matter is done.”

 After receiving an accurate reply from Chu Sui, Beiye was finally done.

Xiang Zimu also realized that his repeated interruptions annoyed Bei Ming, so he simply approached Yu Anran himself.

Yu Anran never went out of the company. She worked during the day and stayed there to rest at night.

 At this moment, Xiang Zimu came to see her in the name of An Ning Group.

Anning Group is the largest partner of Yu Group at present. Naturally, they did not dare to neglect and contacted Yu Anran directly.

Yu Anran didn't know this person, so he just thought he was here to discuss business.

 We received Xiang Zimu as usual. Xiang Zimu was thinking about meeting Yu Anran, so he was a little anxious and not calm enough.

 “Mr. Xiang from Anning Group?”

"I am."

“Mr. Yu asked us to invite you in.”


 Xiang Zimu stood up and followed the secretary in. At the door of the office, he saw a young woman looking down at the documents in her hands.

You can't see her appearance at this moment, but you can see that this woman is wearing a black professional suit, her black hair is pulled up, and her whole body exudes a serious and capable aura.

 She looks meticulous at work, and it is obvious that she is a working woman.

“Mr. Yu, the person in charge of Anning Group has been brought here.”

 “OK, Mr. Xiang, please sit down.”

Yu Anran stopped what he was doing and looked up at Xiang Zimu.

At this time, Xiang Zimu could really see her appearance clearly. She was mature and beautiful, completely different from Yi Xueyao's style.

 Xiang Zimu didn't understand why a passionate person like Kitano could be with such an indifferent person. Now that he sees Yu Anran again, Xiang Zimu still feels it's against his will.

This Yu Anran looks rigidly mature, which is a pity for that delicate and flawless face.

 “Mr. Xiang?”

When Yu Anran called her by name again, Xiang Zimu took the initiative to walk towards Yu Anran, "Hello, Mr. Yu, I am Xiang Zimu, the representative of Anning Group."


 The two simply shook hands and then let go.

Since Anning Group sent someone here, Yu Anran was of course waiting for the other party to take the initiative to bring up the matter, but even after waiting for a long time, Xiang Zimu didn't say anything serious.

Yu Anran is not used to humorous small talk with others. She only wants to spend her time talking about business matters in the company.

"Mr. Xiang, what is the purpose of coming here?"

“Mr. Yu, no, Miss Yu, actually I came here to see you today not for business, but for private matters.”

"Private matters?" Yu Anran's face remained calm, but she thought of something else.

 If people from the Anning Group want to discuss private matters with her, does it have to do with Kitano?

“There’s no need for personal matters. I don’t have any personal matters to discuss with the people of Anning Group.”

“No, Miss Yu, this matter is very important and involves human lives.”


 Human life!

Yu Anran raised his eyes and stared at Xiang Zimu a little deeper.

 Seeing her reaction, Xiang Zimu took the opportunity to speak, "There is a dying person in the hospital. Maybe Miss Yu is her last chance."

 (End of this chapter)

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