My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 912: save your sister

Chapter 912 Save your sister

"What's up with him?"

“The situation is critical, Miss Yu, can you go to the hospital with me?”

Xiang Zimu's nervous and anxious expression was true to form. Yu Anran's mind was filled with things about Bei Ye. As soon as he heard that his life was in danger, he lost his sense of judgment.

 “Let’s go to the hospital.”

Yu Anran agreed without hesitation, looking even more anxious than Xiang Zimu.

 Xiang Zimu was a little curious, Yu Anran was such an enthusiastic person?

 But neither of them knew, and they guessed wrongly what the other meant.

Yu Anran subconsciously believed that the only person related to her in the Anning Group was Bei Ye, but Xiang Zimu didn't know about Yu Anran and Bei Ye, and even guessed that Yu Anran was very caring?

  No matter how many doubts Xiang Zimu had in his heart, he would not raise them at this moment, because no matter why Yu Anran rushed to the hospital so actively, at least his goal had been achieved.

 On the way to the hospital, Yu Anran's mood had eased.

She suddenly thought of asking Xiang Zimu, "You are not deliberately lying to me, are you?"

 Kitano is really a person who can make cruel tricks.

But the news from the lawyer is that Kitano has signed the divorce agreement. Legally, they have no relationship. If Kitano wanted to play a bitter trick, he would not wait until now.

Thinking about it this way, Yu Anran became even more worried.

 Xiang Zimu led her to the hospital and took her to the examination place first.

Yu Anran saw something was wrong here, so he raised doubts: "This is not a ward."

 Explained to Zimu, "Miss Yu, we have to seize the time to check you now."

Yu Anran frowned in confusion, "What are you checking?"


 “What happened to Kitano?”


Yu Anran’s question made Xiang Zimu unable to respond in time.

According to the speed of Yu Anran's mind, she quickly heard the flaw in it, "The person you mentioned before who is dying is not Kitano?"

 “Of course not Brother Bei.”

"That's good..." Yu Anran whispered a few words, feeling as if a big stone had fallen to the ground and he breathed a sigh of relief.

 It’s not Kitano, that’s fine.

But the question is, who would come to her if not Kitano?

"Miss Yu, I want to tell you something. You may question it or you may not believe it, but it is absolutely true!"

 Xiang Zimu gave her a vaccination first.

Yu Anran only felt that this person was inexplicable. Since Beiye was fine, the other people in the Anning Group had nothing to do with her.

"I don't want to hear things that have nothing to do with me." Yu Anran was about to leave.

Xiang Zimu hurriedly ran forward to stop her, and could no longer bear to reveal the truth.

“Miss Yu, do you know that you have a younger sister?”

"Your sister is living in this hospital now. She is dying. Maybe you are her only chance to survive."

Yu Anran listened to Xiang Zimu's words quietly, and still retorted calmly, "I don't have a sister."

"Miss Yu, you must not believe it. I can understand your feelings, but please be kind and save her."

Yu Anran crossed his arms, obviously not taking what Xiang Zimu said seriously.

Xiang Zimu couldn't explain it clearly, so he simply took Yu Anran to see Yi Xueyao who lived in the ward, "Miss Yu, look at the girl lying there. She is your half-sister. Her surname is Yi. My name is Yi Xueyao.”


Yu Anran remained silent, but her dilated pupils betrayed her mood.

 Her biological father’s surname is indeed Yi.

 (End of this chapter)

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