My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 932: divorced

Chapter 932 Divorced

 “No, I won’t sign! I don’t want a divorce! I don’t want a divorce!”

Seeing her very resistant look, Ye Weiwei sighed, "Don't be so excited. I'm doing it for your own good. After all, you can't force things like love. Your husband doesn't want you anymore, so separation is the best choice. "

 “No, I won’t divorce!”

Mama Yi still roared out her determination.

 When the man saw her like this, instead of feeling any emotion or pity, he felt that this woman had become very rude and unreasonable.

The man then said to Ye Weiwei: "Bring it to me and I'll sign it!"

Ye Weiwei nodded, and Secretary Zhao handed him the divorce agreement.

Just when he was about to sign, Yi’s mother suddenly stood up, grabbed the divorce agreement, and roughly tore it into pieces.

 “I said I won’t sign it, I don’t want a divorce.”

Mama Yi lowered the shredded paper in her hand and threw it into the man's arms, "Husband, please forgive me, I don't want to separate from you, and I don't want to divorce you."

Mama Yi cried sadly, which made the man hesitate a little.

Although the man hates her at this time, after all, they have been together for many years, so it would be a lie to say that he has no feelings at all.

Seeing the man's hesitant expression, Yi's mother realized that she was in trouble, so she struck while the iron was hot and asked for forgiveness...

Ye Weiwei, who didn't mind watching the excitement, poked Secretary Zhao, "Secretary Zhao, help Mr. Jiang. After all, no one wants to marry a woman who breaks the law and stay at home."

This sentence that was deliberately spoken to the man undoubtedly stabbed the man's heart with a sharp sword.

 So when Secretary Zhao sent the second backup divorce agreement, the man signed it without hesitation.

Secretary Zhao took back the divorce agreement and kept it for safekeeping, and then "invited" the man out of the room.

 Looking at the sad look on Yi’s mother’s face as she cried, those who didn’t know it thought she was so affectionate.

 But no one present cared about her thoughts except her daughter Yi Xueyao.

“Tsk tsk tsk, is it necessary to cry so hard? A woman who is someone’s mistress still has such true feelings? I really can’t believe it.”

The first person who couldn't stand the cynicism was Yi Xueyao.

Yi Xueyao probably hasn’t figured out her situation yet, and is still defending her mother, “Qiao Li, how could you say that about my mother!”

“Oh, I forgot about you. You two are just professional mistresses.” The expression on Ye Weiwei’s face was as disgusting as it was disgusting.

"What nonsense are you talking about! You are such a vicious woman." Yi Xueyao retorted in a panic, not daring to admit her dirty thoughts.

Of course, Yi's mother also helped her daughter to speak, "I know that everything you do and say now is to complain about Yu Anran, but the grievances we had in our previous life at that time had nothing to do with Yaoyao. Yaoyao is not in good health, please let her go. "

At this time, Mama Yi also showed her great maternal love and wanted to defend her daughter.

But to be honest, Ye Weiwei had a lot to say, "Ms. Li Ru, what you said is wrong. How could it be irrelevant? You broke up the Yu family by being a mistress, causing An Ran to lose his father's love from birth. Now you Your daughter also inherited your shameless behavior and actually tried to steal a man from An Ran. "

"You know that An Ran and Bei Ye are already married, but you still shamelessly pester Bei Ye in the name of illness. Do you think it's ridiculous or not? Where do you think I framed her?"

 “Sign, divorce!”

“Also, take Yi Xueyao with you and let’s go see Bei Ye.”

 (End of this chapter)

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