My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 933: Pretty mistress

Chapter 933 Beautiful Mistress

"You want to take me to see Brother Bei. Why do you want to use me to threaten Brother Bei?"

"Threat? Yi Xueyao, Yi Xueyao, you think too highly of yourself."

Yi Xueyao didn't understand at all. Why did Ye Weiwei dare to take her to Beiye when he was obviously keeping her in private?

 The only thing Ye Ye thinks about is whether Bei Ye chooses you or An Ran.

 Many things in this world are deliberately difficult.

The only reason Ye Weiyi wanted to take Yi Xueyao to see Bei Ye was to deliberately embarrass Bei Ye.

Yi Xueyao heard what Ye Weiyi meant, but when she knew she could go see Bei Ye, she was still full of expectations, planning to be like Bei Ye asking for help.

However, Yi Xueyao still forgot about her embarrassing appearance and asked, "You let me take a shower and change clothes first."


  Unexpectedly, Ye Weiyi agreed so easily, and Yi Xueyao was stunned for a moment.

Ye Weiwei tilted his head slightly and asked, "What? No more washing?"

Yi Xueyao shook her head repeatedly, "No, no, no, I'll go right away."

Secretary Zhao had already taken Yi's mother aside to deal with it. When she came back now, she was a little surprised to hear that Ye Weiwei was so talkative, "Young Madam, don't you want to embarrass that Yi Xueyao? Before the person she likes Wouldn’t it be more effective to be embarrassed in front of you?”

"No, no, no, how can we give her a chance to pretend to be weak? Do you think Yi Xueyao will mention her incontinence in front of Bei Ye?"

“No.” Secretary Zhao shook his head firmly.

Yi Xueyao was embarrassed to tell her that she was incontinent in her room and was smoked for two days. Naturally, it was impossible for her to reveal that she had been locked up for two days.

Ye Weiwei chuckled, "That's right, I just want her to be mute and eat Coptis chinensis so that she can't tell her the pain."

 Ye Weiwei was kind enough to provide Yi Xueyao with a set of clothes, which fit her well and looked beautiful.

 A woman likes her appearance. At that time, Yi Xueyao's mind was all about seeing Bei Ye and maintaining her own image, so she was even more happy to put on beautiful clothes when she saw them.

 When Yi Xueyao came out of the wash and put on beautiful new clothes, she looked very bright.

But she heard Secretary Zhao talking to Ye Weiwei, "Mrs. Madam, those are the new clothes you just bought for her to wear. What a waste."

Ye Weiwei sighed softly, "You can buy more clothes, but you can't let me smell her smell. It's uncomfortable."

Secretary Zhao nodded and added: "That's right, the clothes are nice, but Yi Xueyao's face is thin and bloodless, and she looks like a ghost. What man would like it after seeing her."

Ye Weiyi clicked his tongue twice, "Why are you, a grown man, still saying these things?"

Secretary Zhao: "Young madam, you don't understand. Men know men. Which man doesn't like beautiful women."

 “So you men all think this way.”

 Ye Weiwei and Secretary Zhao each talked about Yi Xueyao's heart.

Yi Xueyao suddenly remembered the lipstick she saw on the side of the sink when she was taking a shower. She quickly went back and spread the red lipstick on both sides of her cheeks. Her originally pale face looked much rosier.

Yi Xueyao looked at herself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

 Unexpectedly, after she left, both Ye Weiwei and Secretary Zhao couldn't help laughing.

The blush she originally prepared was useless. It seemed that Yi Xueyao was really impatient and was distracted by male lust.

Ye Weiwei took the "carefully dressed" Yi Xueyao to find Beiye.

  【Little **** fell into the trap】

 (End of this chapter)

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