My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 934: private imprisonment

 Chapter 934 Private Imprisonment

Yi Xueyao was not the only one riding in the same car as Ye, but both of them had a feeling of "expectation".

“Young Madam, that Yi Xueyao really wants to dress up and meet people.”

“Then let her dress up beautifully. The more energetic the better.”

Ye Youwei had just visited Yu Anran in the morning. Although Yu Anran was feeling better, she seemed to lack energy and was in a bad mood. Comparing the current Yi Xueyao, the two kidney transplant recipients are very different. When Kitano sees this, won't he feel panicked?

Ye Weiwei had planned everything and was waiting for Yi Xueyao to start performing when she saw Bei Ye.

During this period, Kitano almost had to stay in the hospital because he kept guarding Yu An but could not see him, and he refused to leave.

But if Ye only wants to see him, he will not refuse.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Ye Weiwei would actually bring Yi Xueyao.

 “What did you bring her for?”

Beiye's tone was very bad, which showed how much he didn't like to see Yi Xueyao.

When Yi Xueyao saw Bei Ye, she came over. When she tried to take Bei Ye's hand, she was dodged.

Yi Xueyao bit her lower lip and pressed her forehead with her hand, pretending to be as weak as when she was sick before, "Brother Bei, I feel really uncomfortable. Can you take me back?"



"I see that your face is red and you are in good spirits." Kitano's tone was filled with obvious sarcasm.

Yi Xueyao then realized that she was being plotted by Ye Youyi, and turned to glare at them.

Yi Xueyao was anxious to expose the bad things they had done in front of Bei Ye, and complained aggrievedly, "Brother Bei, you don't know that they imprisoned me and my mother in private for two days! They are breaking the law, Brother Bei you…"

When she finished saying the important part about buying you with money, Ye Wei interrupted, "Miss Yi, you have gone too far. Do you think you look like a prisoner?"

 “That’s because I have to go out...”

“You’re saying this as if I’m forcing you to do something. Where have you been these past few days and what have you done that I forced you to do?”

"You..." Thinking of the matter of incontinence, Yi Xueyao naturally did not dare to mention it in front of Bei Ye.

Ye Youwei snorted coldly and was very dissatisfied with her, "You can't see Beiye yourself. We kindly gave you a ride and even called Beiye out for you, but you framed us like this. You really don't know the good heart."


"You are you, and I am me. Since Miss Yi is so ungrateful, I don't want to be a good person in vain." Ye Weiwei changed his expression after saying these words, "Beiye, what did you say before, but now you are like Nothing has been done. I said, I am not a kind person. Everything has a deadline. If you can't do it within the deadline, don't come to the hospital again! "

 The implication is that he really wanted to see Yu Anran.

Beiye raised his eyes and answered "Okay" without hesitation.

“Then I’ll leave this person to you first.” Ye Weiwei pointed at Yi Xueyao and said.

Bei Ye hummed.

Ye Weiwei left with Secretary Zhao.

Yi Xueyao didn’t expect that Ye Weiyi would let her go so easily.

Staying beside Beiye, Yi Xueyao breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother Beiye, it's great to see you again."


“Hmm, you don’t know how much I’ve missed you these past two days.”

“Yi Xueyao, you are becoming more and more outrageous!”

 “Me? What’s wrong with me?”

“You have joined forces to harm Ranran and you still don’t feel any shame at all. Do you think I will let you go?”

 (End of this chapter)

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