My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 938: Explicit video

 Chapter 938 Exposed Video

 “Look, is this a confession?”

A man is holding a large bouquet of roses, and nine times out of ten, he wants to confess his love.

Everyone in the classroom who had not finished leaving was standing there wanting to eat melons and watch the show. I didn’t know who the man would give the rose to.

When he walked towards Ye Youyi, Ye Youyi hid behind him and pulled his friend to leave, "Let's go, I still have time today, don't watch the excitement."

The friend was too confused to react, "But I think that person seems to be looking for..."

That’s right, what’s the use of looking for the only one in the night? They are all married women.

The friends followed Ye Weiwei's wishes, but the man really stared at them and blocked the way forward.

 “Classmate Qiao, I like you.”

I have seen all kinds of confessions, but such straightforward ones are quite rare.

ˆ No formality, no exaggerated embellishments, simple and straightforward, easy to reject.

 “Thank you, but sorry.”

This is like saying "Thank you, you are a good person" when you reply to someone's confession.

That confession was straightforward, and this rejection was straightforward. The crowd cheered and said that the two of them were a perfect match!

However, bystanders clearly said: "You are stupid..."

This appearance is still a bit bad.

After Ye Weiwei decisively refused, he took his friend and left. The man was probably too embarrassed to stop him anymore. He put down the flowers he was holding and looked downcast with a very disappointed look. He didn't know how deep his affection was.

However, this scene was watched by a girl with short hair and bangs sitting in the corner, who was a little unwilling to accept it.

Because this man is her senior brother from the same school, they have known each other for a long time, and she has vaguely expressed her feelings in that regard but has never received consent. However, she did not expect that someone she has only known for a month and a half would hook up with the man she likes.

The short-haired woman took out her phone, turned off the sound, and played a video she had just recorded several times.

 Finally, a small account was used to distribute it to the group of trainees they were training at the same time.

The group of students who were trained at the same time exploded!

 Because a video about Ye Yiyi appeared.

Looking at the way she vomited in front of the sink, many people would think of pregnancy.

 Everyone didn’t know that she was married, let alone that she was pregnant. Seeing that she was young, most people were speculating that her private life was not clean...

 Ye Youwei didn't panic when he saw the video, but his mood became very bad.

The girl who posted the video didn't think it was too complicated. She was just jealous that Ye Weiwei got the man she liked and wanted to deliberately destroy her reputation. So she created an account and didn't know how to hide her identity, let alone Ye Weiwei's background. So big.

 For Ye Weiwei, it was quite boring for such a clown to cause trouble in front of her.

 But this video disrupted her original plan. Even during class, other students looked at her like monkeys, and someone even spread the news to her tutor.

The tutor came to ask her in person, and Ye Weiwei directly took out the marriage certificate and explained everything clearly.

Of course I had nothing to say after seeing the marriage certificate, "I didn't expect you to get married so early. I remember you were recommended by the company over there. I can see that you are very talented and have a bright future. Keep it. I'm afraid this child will cut off your path."

“It’s okay, teacher, I think it’s a happy thing if I specialize in studying.”

“But those who deliberately ruin my reputation, teacher, do you think such evil-minded people should stay in our training room?”

 (End of this chapter)

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