My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 939: infatuated man

Chapter 939 The Infatuated Man

“You are right. This person posted the video deliberately just to make a fuss. He should investigate it carefully.”

“Teacher, I have actually found out the person, but I don’t know what the teacher plans to use as punishment?”

 Isn’t it easy to find someone in Ye Yiwei?

 Just ask someone to check the IP address of the video, and the result will be available soon.

Ye Weiwei looked at those investigation results with disdain, because that woman had nothing worth paying attention to except for her tricks. Maybe some people were jealous and wanted to destroy a better one?

Ye Weiwei was good at tempting her instructor, and the instructor promised her in anger that if she found out who had evil intentions, he would directly exclude that person from the training list.

When Ye Weiwei came out of her tutor's office, she still saw many people standing outside the door. Those people were all here to "care" about her.

 She passed it through the crowd calmly, leaving everyone talking.

Ye Weiwei ruthlessly sent the information of the person he found, and the girl who was doing the trick behind the scenes got into the network.

But Ye Weiwei didn't want to make her marriage and pregnancy known to everyone, so her tutor cleared her name afterwards and forbade other students from discussing the matter.

 Fortunately, the week is over and I give them a day off to relax.

Ye Weiwei took this time to go back to S City to see Ye Xichen and Yu Anran.

Yu Anran was staying in the hospital in Gu Chengxi to recuperate in order to prevent Mrs. Yu from discovering that she was ill, claiming that she was going out to relax.

At this moment, Ye Weiwei went back to see her, and as expected, he saw Kitano in the hospital.

Ye Weiwei just glanced at Beiye a few more times and didn't bother to say hello to him.

 “Of course, how do you feel after not seeing each other for a week?”

“I’m feeling much better. I think I can be discharged from the hospital and go back to work.”

“It’s good to be discharged from the hospital, but you can’t go back to work just yet.”

Yu Anran lowered her eyes and said, "If I don't go back, my mother will be suspicious."

Ye Weiwei stated firmly, "Doubts are just doubts. Your body is not fully healed to begin with. You need to rest."

 Commonly used if there is only one kidney, if it is healthy, one kidney can also stabilize the internal environment of the body and ensure the normal metabolism of the new city.

Ke Yu Anran's body is gradually getting sick because of overwork. He doesn't seem to be sick very much, but the diseases come like a mountain.

Taking her cold body as an example, her menstrual cramps every month were as painful as life-threatening, and even so severe that she needed to be hospitalized. No matter what kind of physical injury she suffered, it was painful for her.

Every time he thought about what happened to Yi Xueyao and his daughter, Ye Weiwei gritted his teeth with hatred.

Yu Anran certainly hated them, but he didn't have Ye Weiyi's desire for private revenge.

But what Yu Anran couldn't do, Ye Weiwei did for her.

 “An Ran, let me tell you something good.”

Ye Weiwei played Yu Anran one after another the recordings sent by the mistress she hired. There was no expression of happiness or dissatisfaction on Yu Anran's face.

 Ye Weiwei once thought about whether he would do too much.

She asked tentatively: "An Ran, do you think this is boring?"


Yu Anran suddenly held her hand with a sincere look in his eyes, "Xiao Li, I am lucky to have you as my friend in this life."

 The only thing Yu Anran did in the night was unexpected, but she was really happy!

 “Xiao Lian, you don’t know…”

 (End of this chapter)

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