My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 950: I feel so aggrieved when my wife discovers my little secret.

Chapter 950: It’s so aggrieved that my wife found out my little secret

“Okay.” Ye Xichen stretched out his hand to touch the bridge of her nose, with a gentle smile in his eyes.

 Ye Youwei nuzzled him unceremoniously, and the two of them were extremely intimate.

 The graduation party started at seven o'clock in the afternoon. Because of Ye Weiyi's pregnancy, she didn't need to put on makeup or choose high heels. She wore a simple but clean everyday outfit.

Even Leng Yanxi, who took care of her daily, felt after seeing it: It was completely impossible to tell whether she was a married woman or a pregnant woman!

Since it was the last day of the party, Ye Weiwei thought that he could take this opportunity to tell everyone about his marriage. This was the simplest and most obvious explanation for everyone.

She took out the engagement ring given by Ye Xichen and put it back on her hand. She raised her finger and looked at it, feeling very satisfied.

"Brother, does it look good?" He reached out to Ye Xichen and waved it in front of Ye Xichen's eyes. Ye Xichen reached out and took hold of her finger, grabbed it and kissed it.

"very beautiful."

 “Your answer is always the same, there is no objective evaluation.”

“Have you ever heard the saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?”

"I heard..." What you said makes sense, but I am speechless.

The only person you can't talk about is Ye Xichen. His words of kindness are full of tenderness and sweetness, and when he replies, he can instantly silence you.

 Fortunately, they are all what she likes to hear.

Ye Xichen personally drove Ye Weiwei to school. When the car drove into the training campus, it was "looked at" by everyone as soon as it stopped.

There was no one around, but many people standing not far away were looking towards them, and they were passing the news to others. No one had the nerve to stand around and watch, so they could only stand in the distance and focus their gazes to peek.

“I didn’t see them crowding around like this when I came here before. It seems that men are still attractive.”

“Are you sure they can see their faces clearly from such a distance?”

“That’s right, your car is too eye-catching.”

“This is the low-end version that Secretary Zhao picked out from the garage.” The implication is that it is slightly cheaper.

 But his cheap car is a high price that ordinary people may not be able to afford in their lifetime. Once that luxury car is parked in an open parking space, others will certainly be jealous.

Ye Xichen put his arm around Ye Weiyi's shoulders and protected her as she walked. Ye Weiyi had walked a long way before he suddenly noticed a question, "Brother, haven't you been here before? How come you are so familiar with this place?"

 Ye Xichen: “…”

It’s so embarrassing to have my little secret exposed by my wife without mercy.

Because he didn’t want Ye Weiyi to have to work hard by flying, he ordered Ye Weiyi not to return to S city frequently.

He verbally said that he wanted to give Ye the only opportunity to exercise independently. It was just a few days without seeing each other, but it didn't matter, but he couldn't help but come over and take a sneak look at her.

In order not to disturb Ye Duyi's thoughts, he never said anything.

“Brother, did you come here quietly?”


 “Don’t try to hide it from me, you must have been here.”

 “Ahem, I’ve seen the map.”

“No matter how accurate the map is, it’s still different from someone who has never been here. Brother Chen, please stop making excuses and admit that you miss me so much that you can’t help yourself. Isn’t that good?”

The two of them went through the routine, both understanding it tacitly.

 As they were approaching the class assembly point, people with good eyesight spotted them from a distance.

“Look, isn’t that Qiao Ling? She looks so intimate with a man.”

 “Look carefully, that man has a very handsome figure.”

“Coming over this way, I’ll ask them later what their relationship is!”

 (End of this chapter)

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