My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 951: Taking my husband to the graduation party

Chapter 951: Taking my husband to the graduation party

Ye Weiwei brought Ye Xichen to attend her three-month training and graduation meeting for two purposes. One was because she graduated, and the other was to convince those people that she was married and her pregnancy was honorable.

 We are all adults, so graduation here will be different from graduation when you are actually studying.

If people who don’t know see it, they will think that they are attending a party, but it is more serious than a party.

Ye’s only deskmate hurried over to say hello, and of course his focus fell on Ye Xichen.

 “Qiao Li, this is you...”

Ye Weiwei held Ye Xichen's arm and turned back to smile slightly, and introduced to his tablemate, "This is my husband, whose surname is Ye."

 “Hello, Mr. Ye.” He extended his hand politely, but Ye Xichen was unwilling to hold it.

Ye Weiwei took the initiative to reach out and hold the hand of his deskmate to ease the embarrassment, "I'm sorry, my husband is not used to dealing with strangers."

 It actually goes against my will to say this...

But there are only two types of people Ye Xichen is willing to shake hands with, one is someone close to him, and the other is a business partner. It would make him feel uncomfortable if everyone shook hands with him.

 Other students in the class Ye slowly gathered over, "Qiao Ling, is this your boyfriend?"

 The only thing Ye told them frankly about Ye Xichen was his identity, and the expressions of those present had different expressions.

 There are those who are jealous, and there are those who take it for granted.

“Qiao Lian is so good-looking, no wonder her husband is so good.”

  “It’s just a good-looking face. Whether you are excellent or not depends not only on your face.”

 “Don’t be sour.”

  “Just talk.”

In the same speech by the principal, the tutor here will also distribute a graduation gift to the class. Of course, the gifts are different. Some are just items, while others are recommended by instructors.

 For example, night is the only one.

Ye was the only one who was called on stage. Her graduation results were not the best, but they were indeed top-notch. She was better than many professionals, so her learning attitude and spirit were always praised by her tutors.

The graduation party here is not only attended by people from the school. One of the reasons is that you can bring your family members to visit. The other is that other people in the music industry will select talents.

 The instructor had a very good impression of Ye Youyi.

Ye Weiwei gave a lecture on the training experience on stage and was about to walk over to Ye Xichen’s seat when he suddenly heard the instructor’s voice.

Turning around, she saw her instructor waving to her, "Qiao, come here."

 “Hello, teacher.” He went over to say hello to the teacher first, and then nodded to the two unknown middle-aged men next to him.

The tutor introduced her to the two people. It turned out that she was a senior executive of a well-known music company in G city.

 Ye Weiwei accepted this kindness and was very grateful to his mentor.

 After a few brief conversations, Ye Weiwei received the business cards from the two music companies.

She took it in her hand and looked at it, and suddenly she felt someone holding her shoulder from behind.

 The familiar scent around her made her feel at ease.

 “Brother, look what I got.”

The expression on her face was as happy as a child receiving a certificate and a parent claiming credit. It was obvious that she was really happy.

Ye Xichen touched her head, and the two interacted intimately.

Unexpectedly, a voice will suddenly appear at this moment, "Here, are you the chairman of Ye's Group Nightclub?"

 Directly pointed out Ye Xichen’s identity.

Looking back, I saw that he was still the person in charge of the music company introduced by the instructor just now.

 (End of this chapter)

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