My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 954: Two million dollars to buy a bracelet as a gift to my daughter-in-law

Chapter 954 Two million dollars to buy a bracelet as a gift to my daughter-in-law

"Eight hundred thousand."

 Mrs. Ye suddenly made a bid, which shocked the person who originally thought he would win.

However, the man was not a vegetarian, so he immediately held up a sign saying "900,000" to increase the price.

Mrs. Ye bid again without hesitation, "One million."

Ye Weiwei lowered his eyes slightly and rolled his eyes.

 She did not expect that Madam Ye would like real jade bracelets so much.

The other party seemed unwilling to lose face and continued to increase the price, "One million and one hundred thousand."

 Mrs. Ye, “One and two hundred thousand.”

 “One, three hundred thousand.”


 “One million seven hundred thousand!”

 “Two million.”

Mrs. Ye did not hesitate to increase the price, but she choked the other party and stopped saying anything.

The host banged the hammer, "Two million times."

 “Two million times.”


This charity gala was a success, and Madam Ye’s two million was the highest price paid at the event.

 Everyone is envious of Mrs. Ye. Her son has managed the entire Ye Group at a young age, and the company has grown bigger and bigger, with profits increasing every year.

“Look at how beautiful the Ye family is. I won’t hesitate to bid 2 million for a jade bracelet.”

“My son is great. He has a family and a career. Now that he has a wife and children, his career is improving step by step.”

 Ye’s family stole the show, but that’s also the skill of other families.

Mrs. Ye bought a jade bracelet at a high price. Ye Weiwei didn't say anything from beginning to end, because it was something Mrs. Ye liked, and as a daughter-in-law, she had no right to interfere with it.

 I just didn’t expect that Madam Ye would stop her after getting the things.


 “What’s the matter, mother?”

 When they are outside, their names will change.

  When Ye was only confused, Madam Ye suddenly put the box in her hand into her hand and said, "Take the jade bracelet."

 Ye's pupils dilated for the only moment.

What does it mean?

“Mom, are you going to give me a jade bracelet?”


“This is something my mother loves, how can my daughter-in-law take it away from her?”

 “This was originally taken for you, take it.”

After understanding what Madam Ye meant, Ye Weiwei suddenly felt a little at a loss.

Unexpectedly, the jade bracelet that Madam Ye bought at a high price was actually given to her.

Ye Weiwei wanted to ask something, but Mrs. Gong and Mrs. Nangong came over again.

 Mrs. Gong suddenly understood when she saw the box held in Ye Weiwei's hand, "I just said that Concubine Ya must have liked this jade bracelet just now. It turned out to be a gift for Qiao Qiao."

Mrs. Nangong also saw her own things, but she didn't feel bad.

Mrs. Nangong was very envious when she saw that Mrs. Ye and Ye Weiwei's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had a very good relationship. "If I could have a well-behaved daughter-in-law like Qiao Qiao, I would love her as much as Ya Fei."

Mrs. Ye: "There is only one Qiaoqiao. If you want a daughter-in-law, let your family Luoer find her."

Mrs. Nangong laughed immediately and deliberately joked with Mrs. Gong, "Look at Concubine Ya, she is showing off to us."

Mrs. Gong shook her head, "My daughter has not been a worry-free thing since she was a child. She has to go to the police academy in college and we can't see her more than a few times throughout the year. Now she is assigned to an internship and plays outside all day long. It is not a worry-free thing." . I really envy Ya Fei to have such a gentle and well-behaved daughter-in-law."

 “That boy of mine is also...”

  It's a little embarrassing to talk about those two lives. The relationship between Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli is really too delicate.

 While Ben was talking, Mrs. Gong’s cell phone suddenly rang.

 “Hold on, take a call.”

“What? Liuli was injured and hospitalized?”

 (End of this chapter)

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