My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 955: Injured and hospitalized

Chapter 955 Injured and hospitalized

The group of people were chatting happily, but suddenly the news broke that "Gong Qianli was injured and hospitalized."

  Everyone present rushed to the hospital, and happened to meet a doctor wearing a white suit and a mask coming out of Gong Qianli's ward.

“Doctor, how is my daughter?”

No matter how noble a person is, they all feel the same when they learn that their child is injured.

 But before the doctor could reply, a head popped out of the door.

 “Mommy, Auntie, Only One, I’m here.”

 Everyone heard Gong Qianli's voice, and Mrs. Gong immediately let go of the doctor and walked towards her daughter.

Seeing her standing at the door, he grabbed her hand and looked her up and down, "Liu Li, where are you injured?"

 Mrs. Gong’s tone was anxious. This was also the question Ye Weiwei and others wanted to ask.

Gong Qianli shook her head, "It's okay."

“Is everything okay?” Mrs. Gong remained skeptical. She lowered her head and saw a white bandage on Gong Qianli’s foot. “What’s wrong with your foot?”

 “While catching a thief, I accidentally bumped into something…”

Under everyone's gaze, Gong Qianli sat back in the ward and explained the reason for her injury.

“That nasty thief actually stole an old man’s wallet in the mall! Fortunately, I saw him, so I rushed up and kicked him, and he ran away.”

"As a future people's policeman, I definitely cannot tolerate bad guys, so I chased him. The thief ran very fast, and I didn't even catch him. Of course, I didn't lose him either."

Gong Qianli narrated the process of catching the thief in front of everyone in a very heroic and magical way!

Then the point is…

 “So how did you get hurt?”

“When I was chasing a thief, I was just looking at the thief. Without a clue, I kicked something. When the thing fell down, I reflexively pushed it with my foot..."

 Then it was caused, a foot injury.

Listening to Gong Qianli’s own explanation was not enough. They specifically asked the doctor to make sure that Gong Qianli’s foot was not particularly serious before they felt relieved.

 “So that’s it.”

 “Be careful in the future and don’t hurt yourself trying to catch a thief.”

"Know it."

Facing this group of people who cared about her, Gong Qianli nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Gong learned that her daughter was fine, so she calmly began to teach her a lesson, "You kid, you don't know that I was scared to death when I heard that you were injured and hospitalized. Since you only injured your foot, why did you have to be hospitalized?"

 According to the extent of Gong Qianli’s foot injury, she does not need to be hospitalized.

It was precisely because they heard that she was hospitalized that they thought Gong Qianli was seriously injured.

  When asked this question, Gong Qianli, who was eloquent just now, suddenly became hesitant.

 “That me...I don’t have to go to work even if I think about being injured.”

 “You lied?”

 “Yes, right.”

Gong Qianli explained it this way.

A few people expressed their condolences to her, and then only the palace lady and Ye Weiwei stayed here.

Mrs. Ye specially reminded her before leaving, "Don't stay in the hospital for too long. Go back to the villa as soon as possible."

"Okay." Ye Weiwei originally planned to go back to the apartment today, but now that Mrs. Ye has taken the initiative to speak, she is embarrassed to refuse again.

After Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Nangong were sent away, leaving only Mrs. Gong and Ye Weiyi in the ward, Mrs. Gong straightened her face and said, "I know you have a good relationship with Ye Weiyi and you don't hide anything, so I asked directly. "Why are you staying in the hospital?"

 “Didn’t I just say that?”

"You are lying. You are talking about my daughter. How can I still know you?"

“Liu Li, just tell the truth.”

 (End of this chapter)

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