My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 269: Cobra stares at Ann Geer

It seemed that I had been accustomed to all this, but said indifferently, "Go in."

As she said, her cold eyes squinted at the person who followed her in.

Suddenly, the figure behind her shrank.

Especially when I saw the scene in the room, the whole beautiful face turned pale in fright.

This is a beautiful boy.

At the age of fifteen, she looked thin and weak, but she was white and clean. Watching this scene at this time, there was no blood on her face, and tears were in her eyes, but she could not dare to fall.

And he is just a pet.

It's the man's pet in the room.

"People are here, I'll go first." The woman said indifferently, before turning around and leaving.

The man inside is Cobra, his real name is Lan Nuo, he is the superficial BT organization leader.

In Gu Liang's eyes, this man cannot be regarded as an individual. He is perverted and bloodthirsty. He is not only a pedophile, but also likes x-abuse. He takes all men and women, but he seems to have never seen anyone in person. This makes Gu Ryo had to doubt that Lannuo was personality-incompetent.

That's why I prefer to play with these young boys and girls with cruel methods, especially those who love the East.

Gu Liang was stopped by the man in the room in the next second.


She turned her head, there was still no expression on her face, as if she couldn't laugh, she always looked like cold. At this moment, looking at the blond man with a whip in her hand, she only raised her eyebrows slightly, indicating yes What's the matter.

"Gu Liang, prepare the plane, and go to city a with me." Although the man said to her, he still kept his eyes fixed on An Ge'er on the screen.

And the woman he was talking to, yes.

His name is Gu Liang.

It is also Gu Liang from the mysterious arms group.

Spy of bt organization.

Gu Liang heard the words, walked straight in, glanced at the **** the screen, her eyes were light, "Why, godfather asked you to find you, is she?"

Godfather, Gu Liang has never seen him before, but he is real, because although Cobra looks like a leader, he only has half of the power of the organization, and half of the people are not in major matters. Obey him.

And Lannuo is his son.

According to her guess, this godfather is the real controller, the one behind the scenes.

Lan Nuo snorted, and when he raised his eyes, he called the young boy with a very gentle look. Under his trembling gaze, his cold hand slid on the boy's face, closed his eyes, and rubbed it carefully. "Unfortunately, I have something that fell to her."

When Lan Nuo opened his eyes again, the corners of his lips curled up, and his face was somewhat more beautiful than a woman's, and it was even more enchanting. Especially those faint green eyes, like cold-blooded animals in the depths of a swamp, coiling around a thick tree trunk and sliding icy.

Gu Liang just nodded slightly, then turned and left, but the moment she closed the door, she heard the sound of the clothes tearing apart in the room...


a city.

After the press conference, Tang Shisan sent An Ge'er back to the group first. The usual Tang Shisan was violent in front of her, but now after An Ge'er’s death, now he—

It's so tough!

In fact, even if it was the news of An Ge’s surviving, God knows that the moment An Ge’s appeared in front of her and Stephen, Stephen’s sissy burst into tears, but she was stupid and stood stupid. It's been a long time--

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