My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 270: Uncle accompany Xu Wei on her birthday?

As if a life and death experience of her, let them spend a difficult and long day.

Her lips moved, and she was always quick to say a word. At this time, she couldn't say a word, her nose was sour, and her tears couldn't help but want to jump up, but she gritted her teeth and resisted it.

When Steven threw up crying, she turned her head and wiped her tears secretly.

With a grunt, the little girl is really fateful, and she won’t die. It depends on how she manages her well, which has caused her to lose her soul these days, tnnd, the biological clock that is excreted at 6 o'clock every morning has been broken!


Because of this incident, An Ge'er got the attention of the Ministry of Aviation of China. Not only did officials come to condolences, give honorary titles and rewards, but also won countless fans.

Regardless of men, women, young and old, take it all, have a great reputation, and even become famous overseas. Because this incident also caused a huge sensation in M ​​country, it also caused An Ge'er to become popular in M ​​country, and even famous foreign directors invited her to film.


Because of the sensation caused by this incident, An Ge'er became famous completely. In fact, this is not what she wants to see most, because no matter how fame can be compared to life, why do you say that, because people who are really dangerous to her know What happened on this plane.

Who planned the events on the plane? She is so famous that the people behind this dangerous move must want to kill her,

This makes An Ge'er have to be vigilant.

This is no longer a small trick of An Ruxue, Xu Wei and others. Those people are the planners of terrorist attacks. If they really fall into their hands, they might be better off.

When An Ge'er thought of this, several new types of firearms and weapons and equipment had begun to appear in her mind. It seemed that apart from the people arranged by her uncle, she really had to guard against herself.

On the way back, An Ge'er called Bo Yan and asked him what to eat at night, but he said that she should eat first instead of waiting for him.

She was a little surprised. My uncle was not in the company. She thought he was going home, but she said good things and said by the way, "Come back early in the evening and pay attention to safety."

Bo Yan paused slightly.

It seemed to be silent for a while, just when An Ge'er thought the signal there was not good and was about to hang up, but he heard a clear and clear voice from the phone, his low and gentle voice, "I have nothing to do, but someone has had it today For my birthday, I was in room 418 on the 45th floor of the sum seven-star hotel."

An Ge'er was startled when he heard the words, then smiled, cough, what is their relationship now? Why tell her so clearly? She won't restrict his freedom, um...even if she gets married in the future.

But although she didn't care about it on the surface, she inadvertently wrote down the information secretly.

Then he said, "Oh? Who is celebrating his birthday, brother Ye Che, or the colonel Leng Jue?"

Unexpectedly, there was a pause over there, but unexpectedly, he said in a low voice, "Xu Wei."


An Geer's hand holding the phone suddenly stiffened.

"...Okay, come back early." She also paused for a moment before speaking slowly, her voice seemed to be flat and unpredictable, and she didn't hear anything unusual.

She hung up after speaking.

"What's wrong?" Tang Shisan asked An Ge'er with a strange expression.

An Ge'er didn't answer, she looked straight towards her for a moment, and then directly asked Steven who was driving in front of him, "Go, let's go to the sum hotel!"

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