My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 273: In my heart... cool! !

An Ge'er's eyes widened suddenly, and she wanted to rush in, but she didn't know how to face that scene. Her feet were stiff, her palms were against the wall, and her breathing was slightly messy. She was waiting, waiting for her uncle's reaction.

at last.

I heard his voice, but what he said caused a shock inside and outside the door at the same time.

Bo Yan's indifferent and cold eyes finally flashed a trace of ice cracking, and his voice became cold, especially in his eyes, there was already a contempt, disdain, and indifference, "Xu Wei, leave it to myself Some dignity."

Give yourself some dignity...!

The dignity of a person.

Xu Wei's whole body was shocked, her face instantly pale and humiliated.

After Bo Yan finished speaking, he looked slantingly at her eyes outside the window, and he didn't even look at her naked-body, fruit-body, and left directly in front of her. From start to finish, he didn't even take off his suit jacket. Down.

At that moment, Xu Wei trembled all over, like an ice cellar.

She didn't care about anything in front of him, abandoning her dignity and restraint, and appeared naked in front of him. The goddess in the hearts of many men, crying and begging him, could she be with her for one night, even one night.

But he only left a few words for the deserted.

Give yourself some dignity.


Xu Wei's figure flickered, and for a long while, a touch of sorrow appeared in the eyes of tears, why did he not like her, why did he appear in front of him like this, he could still remain indifferent?

No one knows.

The more cold and detached and arrogant and indifferent he is, the more fascinating he is, and the more he wants her to feel what it will be like to be with him.

And outside the door.

When An Ge'er heard the sound of footsteps coming out, she suddenly panicked, and then ran to the elevator to get down, her heart beating.

I have to say that compared to anger, she is more embarrassed at this time.

I wanted to rush in and despise Xu Wei, but my uncle didn't give her this opportunity.

Especially what Xu Wei did was not open and honest. She was angry, but what her uncle said made her feel terribly surprised. Xu Wei has always been a strong woman. She stands in this place like this, even on the surface. What kind of pie is so cold and arrogant in my heart.

However, it was such a woman who was supposed to have a lot of self-respect and face, but was loved by her beloved man. Using the most indifferent, simplest, but also the sharpest words, An Ge'er couldn't help but shook her head.

Fortunately, my uncle likes her, otherwise, she wouldn't know what she would say to him if she disregarded ethics, age, or proportionately.

But no matter what, she thought, she couldn't stand it.

Let alone Xu Wei.

But the embarrassing place came, that is, when my uncle said this to her, the dark side of her heart suddenly exposed, because she would feel!

The heart is refreshing and refreshing.

However, it’s better to know this dark side secretly. If someone sees her, then she, she...

Of course, right now.

After An Ge'er went in, she saw a hand blocking the elevator suddenly, her eyes widened suddenly, thinking it was him, her cheeks turned red unnaturally, but her gaze moved upward and she saw a hotel staff member. Can not help but relieved.

But after a second, her face was embarrassed...

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