My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 274: Was accidentally raided! !

Behind the staff, followed in, and there was a person behind...The body was slender and handsome, with cold eyes, and the nose was tall, like a mountain into the clouds, with such a touch of unattainable.

Leng Rui's thin lips looked a little cold.

A straight suit, broken black hair, and a very handsome face, but with a bit of indescribable confusing.

Cold, but charming.

At this moment, this figure, without warning, followed the person directly and broke into her sight.

She was at a loss for an instant, but before his indifferent eyes swept over, she quickly lowered her head, lowered the brim of her hat, and put on her own sunglasses without a trace.

Those who deceive themselves think that they are a passerby.

The atmosphere in the elevator was dull. Fortunately, An Ge'er was lucky that there was a staff member, but as soon as he thought about it, he heard the elevator ring, and the staff member went out without looking back while holding the intercom.

The elevator door closed slowly, and An Ge'er almost had the urge to jump out together. There was no way. The powerful aura and the clearness around her made her feel embarrassed and angry, but she was also a little scared.

An Ge'er was a little speechless. It was obvious that a woman seduce her uncle. These were all his fault. She was embarrassed and afraid of wool?

The elevator was very quiet, An Geer quietly glanced at him slantingly in front of him through her sunglasses, but saw that he was looking ahead, as if she hadn't noticed her at all. She breathed a sigh of relief, but she was also inexplicably depressed. .

She is so strict that he can't recognize her?

But she didn't notice it.

The elevator door in front of him could show images, but she was standing in a blind spot and couldn't see there, but he in front... could!

Especially when I look at her, I will hold my little heart for a while, and then quietly look up at him.

Finally in the underground garage, Tang Shisan and Stephen were still waiting for her in the car. As soon as the elevator door opened, An Ge'er remained silent, waiting for him to go out first.

Unexpectedly, he did not move either.

An Geer was shocked inexplicably in her heart. At the moment, without saying anything, she went straight ahead to find her own car, but she hadn't walked two steps before, suddenly her feet were light, and she was suddenly beaten and hugged. .


An Ge'er exclaimed. Tang Shisan and Stephen, who heard the voice, hurriedly ignored their quarrels. They poked their heads out and looked at them. They had a sudden heart attack, but when they saw the face of the man who hugged her, they suddenly felt their heart. Putting down his stomach, he pulled Stephen back by the way, "Oh, don't look at it, it's okay."

"Oh my god!" Stephen screamed, "Who is that man, I'm not mistaken, is it our chief!?"

"Look at the one you didn't know, Chief, Bo Yan, that's An Ge'er's uncle, you are stupid." Tang Shisan waved his hand, watching Stephen still poking his head from the car window, looking dumbfounded. , She curled her lips and smiled triumphantly.

Of course, the next moment, I heard Stephen stubbornly said, "Then, have you ever seen, uncle, uncle forced a kiss, little niece?"

Tang Shisan was taken aback!

The next moment I looked out, I saw that scene, my eyes widened in disbelief, and I swallowed hard, and my cheeks became red and red. People who didn’t know thought she was shy, but familiar. I don't know, she is excited! !

Especially from this angle, she saw the silhouettes of two people, An Ge'er was pressed in front of the car door, and the man held her waist with one hand and the back of her head with the other. Regardless of her struggling kicking her, she kissed wildly. With.

The little girl's shoes didn't even reach the ground, and the slender and confusing body fell into his hands, which was playful.

Do whatever you want.

In the car, Tang Shisan was immediately excited when he saw it, "Quickly, give me the glasses."

Before Steven could hand it to her, she snatched it over by herself, and quickly put on his leopard-print glasses to see more clearly, but when she turned her head, she heard only a bang.

"Oh my fuck!"

Tang Shisan ran away, cursing again and again!

"what happened!!?"

"His m's car door is closed!"

Tang Shisan slapped his seat, it was a depressed one!

I was seeing passion and excitement, and the door closed!

She fucked, the key was that she saw the little girl being thrown in one second before closing, revealing secrets.

Immediately after the car door was closed, one can imagine what scene was inside at this time.

Stephen gave her a weird look.

Tang Shisan found out, and roared displeased, "What are you looking at! I haven't seen a beautiful woman!"

Stephen trembled all over, and unexpectedly said a very serious sentence, which made Tang Shisan's dryness fade in an instant.

"Are you crazy, aren't they calling chaos?"

Tang Shisan was shocked when he heard the words and couldn't laugh anymore. He sat in his seat stupidly for a while.


Yes, Bo Yan is her brother-in-law. They are uncle-nephews. Did she just take a dog? Is she really excited to watch?

Of course, Tang Shisan shook his head, no, no, what is going on?

She suddenly remembered that Xu Wei seemed to have mentioned it when she quarreled with them before, but she didn't take it seriously, thinking that she had heard it wrong, but now it seems that this is obviously not the case...

The relationship between Bo Yan and An Ge'er is clearly abnormal.

No, she has to find time to talk to her, her brother-in-law is Bo Yan, people who know about this in the entertainment industry will not take the initiative to say this, but if someone asks, that’s not necessarily the case. Under this premise , If the paparazzi exposed their intimate photos, it might not be a big deal to Bo Yan, but it would be a heavy blow to An Ge'er!

This is nothing else, this is chaotic-l, it is against ethics.

Of course, in the final analysis, Tang Shisan had to recognize one thing. She was the supervisor An Ge'er sent by the boss of Rongda to transmit information to him, the spy sent by the boss of Rongda, and the one sent by Rong Dahei. , Um, important things, tell yourself three times.

"Let's go." Stephen said with a rare ugly face, and then drove out of the car slowly in the parking lot.

But Tang Shisan looked about to leave, and quickly put on his eyes and lay on the window of the car, staring at the low-key and luxurious Maybach, seeming to want to see what the scene was in the car at this time.

Stephen rolled his eyes to her suddenly.

For this woman who is so..., so speechless, it's this time, actually...!

And at this time, the low-key and luxurious Maybacher--

An Ge'er didn't know what her mood was at this time, she only felt flustered, nervous, and afraid.

This is in the underground parking lot. People will come at any time.

Stop him anyway.

And just when the two were hot and intimate in the car, the elevator door on the ground floor suddenly opened.

In the next second, Xu Wei rushed out, searching in the underground garage.

Yes, she was looking for Bo Yan.

I wanted to catch up and tell him that I just couldn't think about it for a while, and she was wrong, because only she knew that Bo Yan's indifferent eyes with contempt just now made her scared and scared.

She was afraid that Bo Yan would be angry at this and would ignore her again.

So after she wanted to understand, she rushed out immediately, wanting to apologize before Bo Yan left and get his forgiveness. She couldn't compensate his wife and break down.

After going out and searching for a circle, he found the familiar Maybach almost instantly. Xu Wei breathed for a long time. Fortunately, fortunately, she didn't leave. She straightened her appearance and walked to the car.

She was nervous to patronize her, but she didn't notice the slight shaking of the car.

Xu Wei walked over, thinking what she wanted to say. After all, at this time, she had to say that Bo Yan had always been cold and indifferent, and basically ignored women.

So before I took off my clothes in front of him, it was indeed possible that he had desecrated him who was so cold and clean as a moon.

His ascetic appearance really made her love and hate.

I really dreamed about what it would be like to go to bed with a man like him. When he is impulsive, will he be that high, cold and indifferent, without desire and desire?

Finally, he walked to the Maybach gracefully. The car windows were black. You could not see the inside from the outside, but you could see the outside from the inside. So Xu Wei confirmed that Bo Yan saw her from the inside, but he walked over to her. She didn't even drop a car window, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Does he hate her so much?

Thinking, she reached out her hand, knocked on the car window, and said, "Bo Yan, I know you are inside. Could you please open the car window?"

And in the car at this time.

An Ge'er is being pressed on the co-pilot.

There was someone outside the door. An Ge'er opened her eyes and could see her uncle's direction. The woman outside the car window was Xu Wei, who was knocking on the car. She probably didn't care about it. She even put her head close to the car window. I want to see what is going on inside.

When An Geer saw this scene, she only felt ashamed no matter how ashamed. Although she knew that she couldn't see the inside clearly, she couldn't bear the feeling of being watched carefully by outsiders.

Kicking his calves again and again, pressing his hands with his chest...

I want to push his body away.

Bo Yan had endured for too long at this time and didn't seem to want to indulge her anymore.

Seeing to achieve the last step, she fought fiercely, and did not cooperate at critical moments, especially the constant knocking on the window from the car window, making him angry. The fire and anger were intertwined, and Bo Yan could not wait for a shot at this time. Xu Wei collapsed.

"Damn it!"

He cursed.

It happened that Xu Wei was still knocking on the window of the car without knowing it, "Bo Yan, what happened today is that I did not do the right thing. I was confused for a while. Can you forgive me? Just as nothing happened today. We are still friends as before, okay..."

Xu Wei looked at Weiwei's "unusual car" now, and was a little surprised and confused. What happened? Could something happen to Bo Yan?

Thinking about it, she stretched out her hand and pulled the car door.

Before the car door could be locked, Xu Wei just opened it. Before she could see what was going on inside, she heard a scream from inside. The next second the car door was pulled back violently from the inside, with great force and a bang. It was closed, and at the same time, Xu Wei was also startled.

She was not stunned because there was someone inside.

But because, the scream that just came out, yes, it was a woman's scream...

Xu Wei was stretched suddenly, stupid, and stood there in shock, her face as if he had seen a ghost.

But in a second, the car window she had been waiting for, finally slowly faded, revealing only half of her face, then, what kind of expression should that be?

Xu Wei couldn't describe it, her beautiful face was green, and she seemed to be holding back some fire, her eyes looked like a frozen three-foot snowy peak.

Mixed with infinite anger.

The sharp and thin lips spit out a word coldly, making Xu Wei instantly like an ice cellar.


Xu Wei was shocked physically and mentally, and subconsciously stepped back two steps, her whole body trembling uncontrollably, and then the car suddenly started and Juechen left. The moment the car window slowly rose, she clearly saw that there was still a glimmer of sight inside. , Collided with her.

Xu Wei is going crazy.

She just stayed where she was, trembling all over, trembling angrily.

If she opened the car door and heard the scream inside, she was shocked and her heart suddenly burst, but when Bo Yan slowly lowered the car window, she almost collapsed when she saw the scene inside. .

In the car.

Very exciting picture.

The tie that Bo Yan pulled apart and the buttons on the front of the untied collar revealed that strong chest.

But I couldn't ignore the long red scratches on it.

So it is not difficult to imagine what has just happened inside, or what has already happened.


So she is going crazy.

What kind of thing did Bo Yan actually do in the car?

With whom, a young girl, immature and young, just mature.

Almost a moment ago, she still regretted how she could abandon her dignity to hook him, hooking him so indifferent and arrogant.

But the next moment, everything in her mind was overturned. The scene in the car almost broke her, and her fingertips couldn't help shaking. She hated, jealous, crazy jealous, crazy jealous.

When he undressed in front of him, he couldn't get a look from him, but he was able to do that kind of thing with other women in the car.

Not to mention, what makes her most incredible is that the crimson, innocent, and charming face that is deeply engraved in her mind is not someone else, but his little niece!

It is An Geer! ! !

Xu Wei is crazy.

The crazy woman lost her mind, it was terrible.

She will not let them go, absolutely not!


In the car.

As soon as I got home, the car was filled with a decadent smell, but the two of them did not speak all the way, An Ge'er's clothes had been torn apart, and only his suit jacket was wrapped outside.

Wearing a black suit jacket on her body, just to the base of her thighs, her slender and tender long legs are curled up and hugged by her on the chair, and her waist-length hair half covers her cheeks. The urge to wreak havoc.

But a certain little girl was so embarrassed that she wouldn't let him touch it.

What is dissatisfaction, he knows it today, it is really boring, if it is not disturbed at a critical moment...

Thinking of this, a thick haze flashed through Bo Yanqing's slender eyes.

When I got home, there was no one in the villa.

An Ge'er wanted to go down by herself, but he didn't give her a chance to refute because of her foot injury. He leaned over and carried her out, cautiously.

In the villa.

Carrying her upstairs, in her bedroom, it is reasonable to say that he can leave, especially the atmosphere of the two is still weird, but Bo Yan obviously wants to do something, after all, he was in the car before, so hot.

But at this time, because of the atmosphere of the two, it was not easy to start.

"Ah, uncle, you should go now."

An Ge'er was a subconscious sentence, but she didn't want Bo Yan's eyes to be light, but there was a bit of deep meaning, "Now you still call me uncle?"

It's okay not to say this, the atmosphere changes as soon as I say it.

He was courageous, and took advantage of the opportunity to slender and straighten up and walked over. She sat on the bed, he leaned over and circled her, trapped her in his arms, his eyes fixed on her.

As soon as his charming face approached, An Geer's face suddenly turned red, and immediately put his hands against his chest, his eyes wandering around, squeaking, "Thin, thin..."

Bo Yan.

His name came out of her lips and teeth, and the feeling was unexpectedly beautiful. Her voice was not the kind of coquettish, but very elegant and clean, but only Bo Yan knew that her voice was in him. When you play, how hooky the call is.

The soul is about to fly.

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