My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 675: I want them to kneel and sing to conquer!

Leave at this time.

It is also an opportunity.

He had long wanted his ears to be quiet and quiet. Which old man doesn't like children? But at the moment he can't hope for this family. If the family is safe and not quarreling, he will be satisfied. As for the child, he can only let it go.

He was satisfied if he could survive until he had a grandson before he died.

A granddaughter is dead, it is impossible to be a grandson.

And the only hope lies in his son Bo Yan.

However, this relationship between him and his non-natural granddaughter was something he didn't expect, and it was considered an indecent love in his eyes. It was something he refused to accept, but after so much experience, he saw it all. Up.

Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. If they do have children, he thinks they are their own grandchildren.


No one thought that this kind of thing would happen to An Ge'er this girl. Just a few days after the announcement with Bo Yan, he was dragged into this kind of deadlock. After all, he made his home. What a sin! ?

Need to let him as an old man bear to face these?

Taking ten thousand steps back, that girl really won't be able to get out in the future, and if she becomes a scapegoat, will her own son marry another woman and have children?

He didn't know how terrible his son was.

He sometimes thinks about facing the dwindling years alone, and he feels pitiful and pathetic for his old man.

Sometimes it's just because of the soldiers, but they can't even protect the people they want to protect.

The father really left.

I also went to a suburban farm in the north.

Before leaving, the settlers asked about Bo Yan's whereabouts. The old man only said that he didn't know. In fact, he knew, but he didn't want them to know.

This son, Bo Yan, let him do whatever he wants. As a man, he should do his best to protect his own woman.



Three days later, the headquarters of the Arms Group in Rome.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and went to discuss one other, important thing.

"I sent Laura's murder to the mailbox of the prime minister of country Y the day before yesterday. I want to see their attitude, but guess what they are?" Fu Jiu put his hand on the chair, leaning lazily, and grinned. Speaking.

"Definitely ignore it." Li Hanfei said, sneering at what she said. People are the head of the country. To put it bluntly, they can completely pretend that they haven't seen it, don't admit it, or even a little bit more horizontally, just say, whatever you like.

"Hehe." Fu Jiu sneered twice and said to them, "They actually said, ‘Listen! Listen! Honor! You!’"

As you wish.

The literal meaning seems to listen to you, but the deeper meaning is obviously: Whatever you do, but it is just framing you alone. What else? Do you want them to compensate?

In this tone, he was full of disdain and contempt.

"That's just right." Rong Bei interjected at this time, his tone was not cold or warm, "I have been in a bad mood these days, and there is no woman, so if you don't vent or vent, you will be suffocated. Just take country Y. Diarrhea and fire."

"What do you mean, you can still be in country Y!"

Fu Jiuhuan laughed.

Hearing this, Rong Bei didn't even refute Fu Jiu, his eyes flashed, and he said wickedly, "I will definitely let them kneel down and sing conquer this time!"

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