My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 727: Laura bad guys sue first! !

An Ge'er just wanted to interrupt again, saying no, after all, she didn't want others to know... it was difficult for her to conceive.

Just before he could speak, the only phone in this manor that communicated with the outside world suddenly rang!

The Duchess frowned, "This is not to say that they are not allowed to call and trouble us, who is this!"

Sophie's husband got up to take it. After taking it, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and then looked at the Duchess with a rather solemn expression, "Mother, it's Laura."


The duchess looked a little ugly when she heard the name, "Can't this kid be causing trouble outside again?"

An Ge'er watched the Duchess get up to pick her up, her expression was a little different.

I didn't expect it.

It could be a call from Laura.

Laura should be caught by the Romant family at this time, handed over to the prime minister, and then sent to country Z to receive the corresponding legal punishment. The people of the whole country are watching and can't do anything.

People from the Arms Group were still staring at this matter. When she left, she heard Fu Jiu say that Laura had already escaped, and her bodyguard had been thrown away by her a long time ago, and she was hiding outside alone by herself.

At this time, their people were also looking for Laura.

I want to clean her up before letting her go to jail, otherwise it will be too cheap for her!

It’s just that the duchess over there followed Laura’s phone call at this time, not knowing what she heard, her face became more and more ugly, and finally told her the time and place, as if she wanted her to contact her until she finally hung up, She just patted the table hard, and then said angrily, "Unreasonable!"

"Mom, what's the matter?"


The Duchess suddenly became angry, and everyone in the family stood up and asked in surprise.

Ange's eyes flickered. If Laura was on the phone, what did she say to the Duchess? Make the Duchess so angry?

Could it be...

The Duchess was backed to the seat by them, and then she saw her face gloomy and solemn, and said with a sharp tone, "Laura said that she was framed, and the members of the murdered family were arresting her and wanted to hand her over to the bad guy.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Even An Ge'er was shocked, and then glanced at Bo Yan.

Sure enough, she was just guessing this.

"Mom, can't it, please calm down, don't get angry." Sophie asked Anna to pass a glass of water over, and then wrinkled her eyebrows. "Don't be angry, Laura, you know, you don’t care. Xin, don't you understand her temperament? I think she caused the trouble by herself and didn't tell you the truth!"

When the duchess heard this, she closed her eyes and looked ugly.

An Ge'er raised her eyebrows slightly, but she didn't say a word about this.

It's just that she thought the Duchess was going to speak for Laura, after all, it was her granddaughter, but she didn't expect that when she opened her eyes, she would say something like that.

"I won't say whether she was framed or not, but she said that when she was caught by the bad guy, they injected her with drugs, which made her addicted to drugs, and asked her to sell... Kinky..." At the end, the duchess' face turned pale, her fists clenched tightly, unable to conceal her anger.

When these words fell, Sophie and her husband, including Anna, were shocked.

What a joke!

The people of their Romant family were so abused! ?

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