My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 728: An Geer exposes Laura!

Let her take drugs and prostitution, not to mention how terrible these are. They did that, obviously not paying attention to the Romant family.

This is the largest family in country Y, powerful, who dares to provoke them! ? So abuse their children?

When An Ge'er heard this, the corner of her lips was slightly pulled, somewhat ironically.

Laura is really good enough.

Obviously she is a drug addict, addicted to drugs, and said that ‘the bad guys’ caused her to take drugs. It’s obviously that she is prostitious and promiscuous, but I am ashamed to say that someone else made her go into prostitution.

Is it really good for her to reverse black and white so much?

If it hadn't happened to have witnessed everything here today, I wouldn't know that she could still do such a thing at this point.

"Duke...Grandma, there are some things I don't know if they should be said or not."

An Geer's words are very particular.

Since she is sitting in this place today, she can’t watch them being fooled by Laura, but Laura is a member of their family, and she is not easy to speak rashly, so in terms of the title, she also deliberately did it, deliberately reminding, Duke Madam is her godmother now.

That's why she spoke.

Sure enough, the duchess nodded when she heard it, "It's no problem, it's all a family, just say it."

An Ge'er smiled slightly, "Grandma, I think it's still a bit tricky. In her phone call, she mentioned that she was abused by bad guys, but she didn't say it too. Now even the entire Romant family Are you arresting her? I want to give her to someone else."

"But she said she was framed." Sophie reminded with her eyebrows at this time.

An Ge'er smiled indifferently, "If she was framed, your family members don't need to be afraid of anything, but why would you want to arrest her and hand her over to the bad guy in her mouth to take responsibility?"

When she said this, she paused and chuckled, "It's like someone in your family can't tell the truth from the truth."

If it is fake, it is framed, how can the Romant family still arrest her?

They don't need to be afraid of anyone.


After An Ge'er said this, their expressions changed slightly.

"You mean, Laura is lying?"

Only then did An Ge'er smile slightly, and said seriously, "At least after I see the rational analysis, it is like this."

That means, she is sensible, they are too impulsive because Laura is their relatives, so that the anger goes to their heads and ignores the truth or falseness of this matter.

Laura never thought that she would be here with the Duchess at this time, right?

An Geer sneered in her heart.

The Duchess and Sophie's family glanced at each other and were silent.

Especially the Duchess.

Although she is old, she is not confused yet, think about it carefully, but it is not! ?

If Laura hadn't lied, what would the family arrest her for! ?

People in the Romant family are not fools.

There must be something tricky in it.

But what is the origin of the person who can make their family confess wrong and arrest someone? Is it possible to hand over Laura for fear of not being able to provoke him?

The more the Duchess thought about it, the more she felt that this was wrong, and she was silent for a long time and said, "It seems that I want to go back and have a look!"

She didn't let people in the family contact them because she didn't think it was a big deal, but at this time something important was obviously happening——

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