My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 730: She sneaked in to do the test! !

Picking up the phone, hesitated, would you like to call a doctor over to see.

Bo Yan thought about what the pregnant woman and the duchess had said before them.

He naturally knows his little girl's recent physical condition better than anyone else, but he can't be sure whether she is pregnant or not. After all, the last time is still vivid, and similar situations are not necessarily pregnant.

So he didn't want her to hold too much hope for fear of letting her down again.

But take a step back, what if a miracle really happens?

This is not impossible.

Bo Yan pondered for a moment, before calling the doctor over.

An Ge'er returned to the room after eating and drinking. The uncle went out before returning. She slumped in front of the window and looked at the roses outside. Her mood became better and better, and she saw That beautiful thing, the whole person will be relaxed and happy.

At this time, An Ge'er suddenly touched the pocket of the knitted jacket. She was startled slightly, lowered her head, and saw the small long box in the palm of her hand...

Her eyes flashed.


The little long box Sophie gave her contained...test-pregnancy-stick.

An Ge'er was holding it in her hand now, and she only felt inexplicably heavy in her heart. She felt that her body was abnormal recently, but she felt almost the same as before. She didn't want to hold up such hope and finally ended up disappointed.

And I think the hope is very slim, after all, she got pregnant just after the doctor made a conclusion?

Obviously too dramatic.

She still wants to be realistic.


An Ge'er turned around and took it into the bathroom.

No reason, just thinking, if this thing is not there, she will naturally not be able to use it, but since it has it in her hand, it is also left in it, so it is better to use it.

An Ge'er didn't want to say that she was mentally prepared.

I didn't expect any surprises either.

In the romantic and beautiful castle of the Middle Ages, in the elegant bedroom, and the bathroom door, time has passed quietly since she entered.

Three minutes later.

An Ge'er arranged everything, slowly squatting down along the wall, holding the manual in one hand and the thing in the other, staring at him for a moment.

A red line is currently displayed above, and there is only another area, and if a red line is also displayed, it is pregnant.

She shrank herself there and stared at it, only feeling that her heart was beating violently. She had never been so nervous before, and the manual in her hand was almost crumpled and wrinkled.

If you say yes, don't care too much, and prepare your heart for the most unexpected, but you still can't hold back your heartbeat.

About two minutes passed.

An Ge'er gradually lost her heart, lowered her eyes and buried her head in her arm.

In fact, she wants a baby so much now, precisely because of my uncle, she can tell from the last time that before she got pregnant, he and Sibao were busy at home, covering all the edges and corners of the villa. on.

It shows how extravagant he hopes and expects.

If you are a normal woman and can get pregnant normally, how happy will you be to become a father one day?

When she thinks about that scene, she will feel very beautiful and happy, but sadly, she can only think about it.

She might never let him experience that feeling.

An Ge'er couldn't help his nose sour, and there was hot liquid left on his arm under his eyes.

Time is almost up, almost four or five minutes, if you don’t go out again, my uncle should be back—

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