My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 731: She can't believe it! The result came out!

She didn't want him to see that she was sad.

An Ge'er just raised her head, wiped the tears from her face and sucked her red nose, but she sucked twice. She didn't know what she saw. She was about to lift the wall and her body suddenly stiffened. .

After a long while, he stood up slowly, raised his hand, and wiped away the misty eyes with some disbelief.

As if wanting to see something more clearly.

It's just that when she saw the thing in her stiff hand, her brain really seemed to freeze for a moment.

For a moment, I didn’t know if it was a mistake or an illusion before her eyes, because she actually saw two red lines appearing on it...

And if two lines appear, they are positive, indicating that they are pregnant...

An Ge'er rubbed her eyes, and when she looked over again, her red eyes were still confused for a moment...

This, what is going on?

There are two red lines on it?

An Ge'er stared wide-eyed for a long time before she seemed to realize what was going on.

However, she went to read the manual again at the first consciousness, read it over and over, and read it carefully.

Is she really right?

The two red lines mean that she is pregnant. Is she really pregnant? !

After Ange's repeated confirmations, both hands slowly covered her mouth, tears shaking and spinning under her eyes.


God is not joking her again...

She suddenly wanted to cry, but she didn't dare to be too emotional. She could only breathe deeply, her eyelashes trembling constantly, trying to calm her excitement that was difficult to suppress.

She walked slowly to the washbasin. The opposite mirror was still antique bronze. Inside, her eyes and small nose were red. The long hair scattered on both sides of her cheeks was moistened by the tears before. On the cheek.

She quickly turned on the water fountain and washed her face, trying to make herself more sober.

five minutes later.

With a ‘click’, the door opened from the inside.

A slender figure came out from the inside, she looked very careful, light-handed, and a little awkwardly holding the outside of her abdomen when opening the door, for fear of knocking.

Clumsy, funny, and cute.

Then he sat on the bed slowly, lay down, got up again, and finally sat up altogether, as if he didn't know how to sit down for a while.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she lowered her head and couldn't help but touch her flat and tight abdomen with her hands. She couldn't even believe that in her belly, just like that, there would be a little baby and Sophie three or four. Compared to the belly of a month, she couldn't believe it.

Not to mention what the doctor said before.

But she had tested it, no matter how she couldn't believe it, it was...really.

An Ge'er was still a little excited, and she seemed to be hiding a big secret. She wanted to tell her uncle and tell him about it.

It's just that now the uncle has gone out and hasn't returned yet, she can only wait quietly like this.

She was lying on the window, looking at the sea of ​​roses outside. At this time, she looked at it and felt that there was an outline in the sea of ​​flowers, like a baby. She shook her head and patted her head. I'm going crazy, dysfunctional, and I really hope to have children.

I hope that none of this is a dream, an illusion that she has too much expected.

A gust of wind blew by, and the rose petals rolled up in the air fell leisurely on the windowsill. An Ge'er suddenly widened his eyes, swallowed unconsciously, and came again——

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