My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 749: Discover their identity! ! !

Looking at An Ge'er in disbelief, listening to the words of the Duchess, granddaughter! ? Dry granddaughter! ?

No, how is this possible!

She became so miserable because of herself! And how can grandmother recognize her as a granddaughter! What a joke! Not only did she hurt herself like this, but would she even take away her position in the family! ?

Laura was in shock, she only felt that her head was about to explode!

It is impossible to imagine how she would appear here!

And also transformed into a granddaughter of his grandmother!

Is she dreaming! It's a **** nightmare!

After receiving the introduction from the Duchess, Ange smiled deliberately and gently when she looked at Laura.

Sure enough, I will see Laura going to collapse in the next second!

Of course! This is nothing!

From beginning to end, Fu Jiu didn't even glance at Laura who rushed in and cried and complained. An Ge'er's figure half blocked her body, only her silky long hair and the figure in the black jacket could be seen.

At this time, when Laura was shocked and stunned by the appearance of An Ge'er, at this moment, Fu Jiu's chair was slowly tilted back, revealing her figure, she was so casual, not tight. Turn around slowly...

Laura looked at An Ge'er in shock and astonishment. When she realized that she was about to shout how she could be her grandmother's granddaughter, she saw another figure in the semi-slanted chair behind her.

The person who looked like a devil to her appeared in her sight just like time was lengthened and slowed down—

When she was about to speak, she instantly blocked her face, blushing, her eyes staring out.

Who is this, this is not the terrible woman who beat her up before! ?

At this time, Fu Jiu, looking at Laura's appearance, again held a knife with a steak in it, shook it in her direction, smiled beautifully, with red lips and white teeth, and she seemed to be saying hello.

But the smile at the corner of his mouth was obviously beautiful, but for Laura, it was tantamount to a demon waving to her.

How could she forget what they did to her, how they hurt her.

She has been avoiding them for fear of being caught by them.

But at this time, the people she wanted to avoid, like the grandmother’s various complaints, just sat there in bright clothes, smiled sweetly, and said hello to her, which made her feel whether she was out Under the illusion.

She grabbed her hair and backed frantically, as if she wanted to turn around and run, but she was stopped in time.

Regarding the sudden appearance of this scene, no matter how slow or slow the reaction was, everyone seemed to realize something.

Suddenly, many of them looked surprised.

At this point, An Geer and the others naturally have no need to keep hiding

Seeing the Prime Minister staring at her with wide eyes, An Geer smiled, "Why, don't you really think I'm familiar?"

As soon as she said this, she saw the prime minister's body shook suddenly.

Immediately, he looked at her for a moment, but he snarled and asked people to quickly send his cell phone.

"What do you mean...! What the **** are you doing!?"

The Prime Minister's wife frowned and looked at them, seeming to think that this matter is getting more and more strange! It's getting wrong!

"Wait, who are you guys!?"

Lord Duke also realized that this is weird!

It was a distinguished guest invited by his mother, but his words and deeds did not match——

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