My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 750: Tell the Duchess the truth!

Do not show disdain for them all the time...contempt, even he can understand these as illusions, but the tit-for-tat at the luncheon is not fake!

At this time, Laura appeared, and she saw that these two strangers, who were originally unrelated to each other, were so jealous and afraid now. All this is definitely not a coincidence!

At this time, the Prime Minister's cell phone was sent over.

As if thinking of something, he quickly called up a certain photo he had saved. He hadn't looked at it before, but at this time, the more he looked at the face of the oriental girl, he only felt more familiar.

The hands eager to call out the photos were shaking nervously.

He thought it was impossible.

How could that woman appear here! ? It is said that they were entertained by them with VIP treatment!

Only when he found the picture and looked at the girl in the picture, this was her star picture, and when he looked at her again, the faces of these two people obviously overlapped, even the corners of their mouths smile. They are all exactly the same!


The phone smashed on the desktop, he staggered and looked back.

And Lord Duke also realized what that was like, and quickly picked up the phone and looked at it, and he was shocked!

This, how is this possible!

The victims framed by Laura are also one of the masterminds who retaliate against them, but they turned out to be--!

"What the **** is going on, what happened!?"

The Duchess looked at this scene and said in shock.

At this time, Bo Yanan Ge'er and Fu Jiu all stood up, seemingly intending to leave.

Fu Jiuxian walked in Laura's direction unhurriedly. An Geer pulled the chair away and said, "I'm really sorry that the Duchess has brought you so much unhappiness."

As she said, she looked at the stunned Prime Minister and the others, and she suppressed the smile from the corners of her mouth, her eyes calmly said, "It's just that I want to say that people are doing things and the sky is watching. I got the Duchess for a while, but I can't hide it for a lifetime. Now you tell the truth, everything is still too late."

When she said this, her tone was paused, "In addition, Laura, I'm back now, I believe you should be very clear about what to do."

She said that when it comes to this, it stands to reason that anyone who reacts quickly should be aware of her identity, but the prime minister's wife has a slow response.

Especially when she mentioned Laura, she immediately scolded her without thinking, "What kind of thing are you! Do people in our family need you to give pointers!? I'll tell you, we won't What else can you do to us who handed Laura out—!"

"To shut up!"

As soon as she left her words, she received an angry shout!

She was so frightened that she didn't understand why her husband would yell at her!

What's more, it is still in front of outsiders.

An Ge'er looked at them with a smile, waiting for them to start telling the truth with the Duchess.

But seeing that the Prime Minister did not dare to look directly at her at this time, his lips moved and moved, as if he didn't know how to speak for a while.

An Geer didn't force it. Looking at the dazed and shocked Duchess, she smiled apologetically, and then said, "Duchess, since they are not willing to tell you the truth, let me do it."

The Prime Minister's wife wanted to stop, but was suddenly pulled aside by the Prime Minister!

An Ge'er's voice is so gentle--

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