My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 825: She became the object of medical anatomy

She was locked up in a separate room without a toilet or bed. It was pitch black and there was no light. She was given food and drink, and she was withdrawn when she was given. No one could be seen. She ate, drank and slept in this room. in.

However, this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that it is 24 hours a day, except for a little light when the meal is delivered, and it disappears after delivery, and the entire room is dark.

There is no sound.

A person in such an environment is obviously driven insane.

Xu Wei would go crazy after 48 hours of torture in such a closed darkness, and then Xu Wei was released, but this was not the end.

A new round of torture, and this time, it was enough to kill her.

Xu Wei is a death row prisoner, so when she applied for a death row inmate for medical autopsy at the first-level hospital in City A, Xu Wei became the number one prisoner. She was finally handcuffed to the cold operating table. She was alive, and she became the subject of medical anatomy.

But Xu Wei considered that Xu Wei's and multiple organs such as the cornea and kidney can still be used, and immediately after the removal, he used it on the person in need.

This is the last contribution she made after killing so many people.


Poor, poor people must be hateful.

Showing mercy to the enemy is cruel to oneself.

After learning about Xu Wei's final consequences, An Ge'er sat on the way to the crew. She looked at the bustling traffic outside the car window, the bustling metropolis, she thought so, clenching her fist tightly.

Laura is dead. Even if An Ruxue's case is closed, Xu Wei is also dead now. Is everything over? Did everything return to peace?

An Ge'er wanted to think so, but in fact, maybe not at all.

There are still many things that she wants to ignore, but can't ignore, but An Ge'er knows that she can't control the changes in the situation, just like being in an arms group.

She is only one of them. If something happens to the arms group, she will only be involved, and she cannot control the overall situation at all. She is too weak.

As for why she talked about the arms group, because some things were no longer her sensitive, her sixth sense.

This time he was nearly killed. If An Ge'er felt relieved, it was Xia Qiqi.

She thought Xia Qiqi was dead, but when she appeared with a smile and patted her shoulder behind her, at that moment, she really couldn't describe the feeling in words.

Because the love she gets is less affection, so once she has the heart, she will cherish it.

The only thing that made her gratified was that Xia Qiqiqi finally agreed to Xu Taijing.

Although Xu Taijing looks uninhibited and has no formal appearance, he is not bad in nature. Although it looks distressed, and once there is someone he really likes, he is also a desperate master.

She is happy for them.


And at this time Xia Qiqi.

At this time, she and Xu Taijing were climbing on the roof of the school. She was swinging two thin, white, flexible legs, wrapped in a coat, and holding a few cans of beer in her hand.

As the sun sets, watching all this on the rooftop, I just feel infinitely beautiful.

Her short hair was a little messy because of the wind. At this time, Xia Qiqi was very quiet, so she looked at the distant scenery, opened the can of beer and looked up and started drinking. In fact, she and Xu Taijing were silent on the way there.

"Qiqi, what on earth are you going to tell me?"

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