My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 826: Break his leg

Xu Taijing's expression was a bit tight. Compared to Xia Qiqi with a quiet face, Xu Taijing was not calm, and had no time to worry about the scenery, just staring at her for a moment.

Xia Qiqi gurgled and finished drinking. After a burp, he wiped his mouth casually, looking at the front of him without focus and saying, "Xu Taijing, do you know why I never want to promise you?"

Xu Taijing twisted his eyebrows instantly, "What do you mean!? Didn't you have promised me, Xia Qiqi, don't you think--"


Xia Qiqi turned her head and blocked his lips with a finger to stop the words behind him.

Then she listened to her slowly, "Xu Taijing, I have been with my boyfriend for three years. I like him very much, but he ended up with a rich woman for his own future, but at that time, I was stupid. Stupid, unaware of using his hard-earned money to subsidize his music dreams and expenses for another woman."

Xu Taijing's eyes flashed when she heard these words.

Xia Qiqi took another sip of wine, and then looked ahead, "So I was thinking, why do men like a woman? Take you as an example. You are rich and powerful, and you are handsome in supercars. I find a girlfriend, who is gentler, more beautiful and sensible than me."

"Tsk tusk! You finally admitted it!"

It is rare for Xu Taijing to see Xia Qiqi praising him, and he blushed for a moment, but he still kept his mouth low and proud.

Xia Qiqi didn't ridicule him, and chuckled, "So I didn't understand why you like me before, so I will feel very insecure. If you like me, you will be with you. When you don't like me, So may I be dumped again?"

Xu Taijing's complexion became stiff. Just as he was about to say something, Xia Qiqi directly blocked it and continued, "But this is all before. I will fulfill my promise and be your girlfriend."

Saying that she finished the last bit of wine again, put the can of beer on her hand, looking into the distance, there seemed to be a light red on her cheeks.

In fact.

She likes Xu Taijing.

An Geer is right.

The type you always like is not necessarily the one who can be with you.

And what I didn't like, but somehow in the end, came into my heart unconsciously.

Moreover, she liked him before the bus incident, but she was actually very caring when she looked at him, but she didn't tell anyone this.

Even if she fell in love with him, she didn't accept it, because she didn't want to hurt herself again.

Especially for a wandering dude like Xu Taijing, why would he be rich and powerful, he might just look at himself special, he is a prey that looks hard to tame.

Men are not bad and women don't love. Xu Taijing has "troubled" her again and again. She liked him, but she didn't dare to admit it, fearing that he would get what he wanted, and then dumped her.

After all, she has no advantages, simple, rude, savage... and a little bit vulgar, rotten and dirty.

How does it compare to those glamorous coquettish bitches?

But what happened in the bus made her want to drive.

What do you say?

Life is short, why not give it a try?

A man’s sweet words are unbelievable, but is it okay to follow the heart once? !

Besides, she believes that Xu Taijing really likes her now, if he really dumps her in the future, it doesn't matter, it's really not a big deal.

But I just broke his leg and destroyed his life.

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