When the man in the audience heard this, his face darkened.

He clearly knows that if the other party uses the spiritual arts of the Ruo family, he has no chance of winning at all.

As if the other party does not use it, there is hope of winning....

So he changed his strategy on the spot and rushed straight up!

Don't let that senior sister use that perverted spiritual technique.

Seeing that this senior sister looks delicate and soft, she should not be good at close combat

, right? "Hmm?" Seeing

this, the senior sister chuckled:

"Little brother, the first time we met, the names were not exchanged~ You are so anxious, it's not very good~"

Said, twisting his waist and dodging left and right.


that his next attack had failed, the freshman was obviously anxious and continued to speed up.

However, there was no use, and even a fluttering mockery from the senior sister who was ushered in:

"Little brother, it's useless to be fast, the important thing is to last ~"

said and stretched out his slender jade hand.

With a light palm, he slapped it on the other party's shoulder.

That freshman was in shape, his body lost his center of gravity, and he actually fell to the side and ate a mouthful of soil!

This caused a chuckle from the disciples of the Ruo family and the senior sister.

In the camp where the wind chimes were, no one could laugh.

The gap in strength is too big to laugh.

At this time, the senior sister said with a smile:

"Eh, can't this get up? Won't it~ People haven't had enough to play~"

When the freshman on the field heard this, his face was very ugly!

"This senior sister, why is your mouth full of commotion?"

"I'd like to call her

, Senior Sister Talk!" In the end, Senior Sister Talk still didn't use the previous trick.

However, another spiritual technique called [Kyushu Hanamai] was used.

It's a body and a dance.

The dancing posture, seeing that the freshmen present even switched camps and cheered for her loudly.

This time, the wind chimes saw clearly.

It's just that it feels a little out of my place.

A little too enchanting, he didn't like it.

After that, basically no one could force out Ruojia's advanced spiritual arts.

However, when he came on the field, he was beautiful because he looked.

The senior brother on the opposite side showed his hands in front of her in order to snort.

Wind chimes learned two more hands.

When it was Ye Qian's turn, she turned her head and glanced at the wind chimes before she came on the field.

His eyes were full of fighting intent.

Wind Chimes squinted his eyes with a smile and said,

"Come on."

Ye Qian was obviously stunned, and her eyes were a little puzzled.

Then frowned slightly, nodded slightly, did not speak, and walked forward.

"Wind Chime, are you familiar with her?"

asked Chu Sheng.

"I don't know.

"Then what oil do you add to her." You won't like her, right

?" Chu Sheng smiled, but Wind Chimes rolled his eyes:

"Do you think they are all the same as you, seeing one loves one?"


wind chimes didn't bird him, but looked at Ye Qian's back, and couldn't help but think:

Why did this woman have so much hostility towards me from the beginning?

Those inner disciples of the Ruo family did not know her character.

They were all eager to let her choose herself and show her hands in front of her.

In the end, she chose a boy who looked very strong!"

"Zhou Bu, the third order is a great consummation." "

Ye Qian, fourth-order middle realm.

After the two said hello to each other, the surrounding Ruo family disciples smiled and said:

"Zhou Bu, if you lose, you will be miserable!"

"Be careful, this beauty realm is higher than you~"

Although he said so.

But you can see it from the smile on your face.

There was no one at all who took Ye Qian's strength to heart.

The fourth order, scattered cultivation, is not enough to be an enemy.

On the freshman side, someone shouted to cheer Ye Qian.

Because except for Chu Sheng, so far, everyone has lost miserably!

Moreover, Chu Sheng was not won by normal means.

Inexplicably, it has changed from a competitor to a collective.

I hope that someone will stand up and win for them.

Of course, there are also people who hope that Ye Qian was also beaten badly.

Everyone better be miserable,

so they don't look too dish.

Ye Qian's strength is indeed extraordinary, obviously higher than all the freshmen.

Whether it is the use and understanding of spiritual arts, or the reserve of spiritual arts, they far exceed those present.

Zhou Bu on the opposite side couldn't help but praise:

"Is it really a scattered cultivation? You are so strong!" Although

he was praising him, he didn't seem to be in a bitter battle, and he looked like he was at ease.

"In that case, then I'm serious

!" Ye Qian snorted coldly:

"I can't ask for it!"

After saying that, the momentum on Zhou Bu's body had changed.

It is obviously a third-order, but it is even more powerful than the fourth-order

Ye Qian! Just two high-level spiritual techniques in a row, Ye Qian can't stand it.

He was beaten and retreated, even after taking several steps back.

As soon as she wanted to fight back, the third spiritual technique had already hit her body.

The feeling of severe pain made her instantly lose the ability to fight!

Some people rejoiced and some people mourned her defeat.

This is a reasonable and expected defeat.

But Ye Qian's face was full of unwillingness....

"Hey, Zhou Bu, don't you know how to pity Xiang Xiang Xiyu!"

said someone next to him.

Zhou Bu looked at Ye Qian, who was sitting on the ground indignantly, scratched his head, and stretched out his hand:

"Are you okay?"

Ye Qian did not go to help his hand, but stood up by herself.

Gritting his teeth, he saluted the other party:

"Thank you for teaching."

"Eh, thank you..." When

she went back, Ye Qian glanced at the wind chime again.

This time, the unwillingness in his eyes is obviously more than the fighting intent.

Wind Chimes smiled and said,

"Good fight!" originally

to ease the relationship.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qian's eyes changed, snorted lightly, and walked directly by.

The wind chimes smiled on the surface, but they were speechless in their hearts:

Wouldn't it be the time of the Wind Imperial Technique just now, right?

For this clear hostility, Wind Chimes is not afraid.

On the contrary, he felt that the grimness was even more terrifying.

"Wind Chime, it's your turn.

Yin Kongmen said lightly.

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