Wind Chime nodded, he actually had a candidate in his heart.

That's right, it's the complaining senior sister before.

I hope she can personally teach him how to turn over the clouds and rain.

"Senior sister, please

~" Senior Sister came out with a chuckle:

"Little Junior Brother, you can't be so rude like that person just now~ Senior Sister's body, I can't bear it~"

Hearing the wind chime, I couldn't help but snort, and goosebumps rose.

What a woman who makes her scalp tingle.

The Yin Kong Gate next to him didn't seem to be able to listen to it, and said lightly:

"He Xiaoxiao." He

Xiaoxiao's name was just read softly.

He Xiaoxiao shrunk his snow-white neck in fear, and stuck out his tongue at

the Yin Kong Gate: "Just kidding, Master Yin!" Then

, looking at the wind chime in front of him with a smile, the expression on his face was a little more serious, and he saluted:

"He Xiaoxiao, the third order of great consummation~

" "Wind chime, third order, first realm!"

There was a sudden explosion in the sky, and the sound of breaking the air came.

Surrounded by this misty mountain range, it constantly reverberates.

Everyone, heads up.

I saw that in the fog, a black dot faintly appeared, which was flying rapidly.

The milky white fog that was washed away behind him was like clearing the clouds and seeing the light.

Its scenery is a sight to behold.

At this time, although the wind chimes could not see clearly, they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

As the black dot gets closer....

Wind Chime frowned, why are you again?

Yin Kongmen also narrowed his eyes, a little puzzled.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, his figure slowly squatted down and knelt down on one knee in public!

He shouted loudly, "

Greet the Holy Daughter!" As

soon as these words came out!!

the inner disciples of the Ruo family present widened their eyes in shock.

"Holy girl!?"

"It seems to really be!" In

the next second, the inner disciples present, including He Xiaoxiao in front of Wind Chime.

All the inner disciples of the Ruo family knelt down on one knee.

Shouting in unison:

"Welcome to the Holy Daughter!" and

the new students in the audience were also shocked.


spiritual masters of the world know that there is a Nine Ghosts Saint Girl in the Ruo family.

However, as a casual practitioner, there is no opportunity to see at all.

Even, even the inner disciples of the Ruo family have not seen them.

Afterwards, all the new students followed the example of those people and welcomed the Holy Daughter.

But the difference is that people in the Ruo family dare not raise their heads.

But those new....

One by one, like the chicken cubs that had just broken their shells, they stretched their heads curiously.

Whether it is a boy or a girl, the eyes are full of curiosity and expectation.

Seeing this, Wind Chime quickly ran back to his team.

Hiding in the crowd, with your head bowed, your face full of blanching

, you won't come to me, will


Although there is also a beautiful cumin next to it.

But it is still obvious at a glance who is the saint and who is the maid.

They are both beautiful women, but the temperament of the two is not a star and a half.

How beautiful she is, so beautiful that I don't know what adjective to use to describe such a woman.

That prosperous face fascinated the freshmen present.

Chu Sheng next to him, looking up at Ruo Qianyan, couldn't help but mutter

: "Wind chimes... I felt, I was in love. However

, the wind chimes next to him did not lift their heads the whole time.

After approaching the ground, the speed slowed down a lot.

Slowly falling from the air.

Floating two steps, like stepping on the wind, came to the Yin Kong Gate, and said softly:

"Uncle Yin, you hurry up, why bother to be polite..." A

beautiful voice spread, ethereal and moving.

This sound is very consistent with this wonderland.

Yin Kongmen raised his head and slowly got up:

"Holy girl, what is your advice?" Although

this guy in Yin Kongmen still speaks wildly, his tone is very gentle

! The people present have never heard of Yin Kongmen so gentle tone!

After everyone stood up, their eyes were straight to the ground, staring at Ruo Qianyan in front of them.

Many inner disciples are all seeing her for the first time!

Both men and women will be attracted by her fairy appearance and can't take their eyes off.

And she just turned her head and looked at the freshmen's ranks.

His gaze swept over everyone, and finally stopped on Chu Sheng's body.

Then take a step and walk slowly towards him.

Every step is so elegant and beautiful.

Everyone present was stunned and quickly made way for her.

When she passed in front of her, she could smell a fragrance that seemed to come from heaven and earth.

Chu Sheng looked at Ruo Qianyan who came stunned.

After coming back to his senses, he was overjoyed!

What do you mean

? You want to find me as soon as you come?

Is it because you fancy me!"

"Ha..." He

suddenly laughed dumbfoundedly.


Chu Sheng, in these eighteen years, has never loved a woman!

Mom, I'm going to be in love

! She's so beautiful!

while his head stops thinking for a moment.

Ruo Qianyan had already arrived in front of him, two meters away, looking at Chu Sheng without squinting.

Everyone around showed doubtful expressions.


Sheng's excited legs trembled a little at this time, and his heart was beating with plopping.

Looking at it up close, he even felt that he was going to faint by beauty.

She is definitely the first beautiful woman in the world! No

, I can't do this

! I have to make a good impression!

So I immediately came back to my senses, cleared my throat, and said seriously:

"Hey, hey... That, Hello, Virgin, my name is..." His

voice was still a little shaky!

Ruo Qianyan beside Xiao Yuan, he shouted loudly

: "Wind Chimes! Come out!" Everyone

: ???


Yin Kongmen's eyes were slightly condensed, and an imperceptible smile appeared on his face.

The smile on Chu Sheng's face froze.

That feeling is like going into the freezer, wow cold wow cool

! The heart that was beating violently just now, now it feels like it is about to be frozen!

It's not coming to me? It's coming to

find... After

calming down, he glanced left and right suspiciously.


that the eyes of the people around him were looking behind him, he also glanced back.


wonder the saint has been watching me since she came.


now, his eyes were light, where did he know when the wind chimes secretly hid behind him.

Damn it... Wind chimes

, rob me of my misery, and rob my holy daughter!

In that case, then don't blame brothers for injustice....

Cough, Mom, I'm breaking up!

"What are you doing, madman?"

Wind Chime was lowering his head at this time, his face was speechless, and his inner thoughts were racing, thinking about what to do.

He couldn't forget what he did to Ruo Qianyan on that rainy day....

At this time, Ruojia is on another mountain, Tianshi Peak.

Fifteen families sat in the banquet hall of the patriarch of the large family.

Everyone looked at Ruo Tinghan on the throne.

Everyone's mind was full of doubts.

But if the smile on Han's face remained unchanged, he was still smiling.

Bai Qiling frowned lightly, looking also a little puzzled.

At this time, Lei Jing grinned and said

, "Lao Ruo, this wind chime... It won't be your son-in-law, right?" everyone

present was stunned when they heard this.


such words....

Really, only Lei Jing dared to say it.

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