My Hero Academia: Sand-Sand Fruit

022 Entrance Test (Please Ask For Flowers)

After All Might took Izuku Midoriya to heal his injuries, Su Yuan stopped practicing.

For the rest of the day, he was ready to take a good rest. Anyway, tomorrow's test was just a piece of cake for him.

"Unconsciously, it has been almost a year since I came to this world." Su Yuan sat on a rock by the sea and sighed.

A year ago, he was just a wage earner who got up early and came home late every day, doing repetitive things more than 360 days a year.

Like a mummy.

Fortunately, God may have taken pity on him and allowed him to come to this world and gain a new life.

"Maybe my childhood dream of dominating the world can be realized in this world?" Su Yuan murmured to himself.

After returning home, Su Yuan's parents also came back and prepared a rich dinner.

"Is the office okay today?"

Seeing that his parents were back, Su Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"It'll be fine that day when you see the office, but we are coming back tonight on leave." Su Yuan's mother replied.

"What about us, son? Are you sure about the entrance test for Yuei tomorrow?" Kitagawa Toyota asked.

"If there are no accidents, I think it should be fine." Su Yuan replied.

"That's good. You are All Might's apprentice. If you can't even get in as a hero, not only will you be embarrassed, but All Might's face will also be embarrassed by you." His mother said seriously.

Su Yuan frowned, ever since he took on the title of All Might's disciple.

Every conversation his parents had was about All Might.

But, luckily, at least he’s sane!

"After dinner, do we want to practice?" Kitagawa Toyota asked.

Su Yuan shook his head. Today, he just wanted to be lazy for a day.

"Okay, if you don't want to, just have a good rest at night." Kitagawa Yuta told him.



The next day, morning.

Su Yuan met Midoriya Izuku on the way to Yuying.

"Is your hand okay?" Su Yuan asked, looking at Izuku's intact arm.

"Well, it's barely cured. Su Yuan, are you sure about today's test?" Midoriya Izuku asked.

"Huh? We have? You haven't?"

Midoriya Izuku's strength at this time is much higher than in the original work.

After all, in the original work, Midoriya Izuku only inherited All Might's QuirksOne·for·All during the entrance exam.

The appearance of Su Yuan brought him five months ahead of schedule.

In 5 months, he has made a lot of progress in all aspects.

"I don't know, I'm a little nervous now." Midoriya Izuku replied.

Su Yuan glanced at him and smiled, which was pretty good compared to how nervous he was now.

"Come on, the entrance exam shouldn't be too difficult." Su Yuan said.

"It must be very simple for you! But as for me,..." Midoriya Izuku stopped talking.

While they were talking, they had arrived at the entrance test venue of Xiongying High School.

Both of them stopped and looked up at Xiongying, a high school.

Suddenly, at this moment, an impatient voice came over.

"Get out of the way, smelly Jiu,"

Hearing this, Midoriya Izuku turned around.

When he saw Bakugo Katsuki, he was slightly surprised and said: "Kacchan?"

Bakugo Katsuki put his hands in his trouser pockets and shouted: "Don't block my way, or I will kill you."

If the former Midoriya Izuku heard this, he would be scared to death, but more than 10 months have passed since then.

His weak character has long since transformed.

Midoriya Izuku smiled: "Sorry, Kacchan."

Midoriya Izuku's move directly surprised Bakugo Katsuki.

However, he didn't say anything. He was stunned for a moment and prepared to continue walking forward.

His eyes suddenly glanced at Su Yuan.

Immediately after, he stopped.

"All Might's apprentice? Beichuan Su Yuan?"

As this sound rang out, the people who were walking in front turned around.

"Hey, it's true. All Might's apprentice."

"Wow, I didn't expect that he would also come to take the hero's exam?"

"Such a person can join the Heroes without taking a test. He's so strong, and I heard that he often performs missions with All Might."

"In the last time inside the building, I heard that he was fighting against the gangsters alone."

"Why is he so good!"

"Nonsense, otherwise why would All Might accept him as his apprentice?"

As soon as they finished talking about Su Yuan, they turned their attention to Bakugo Katsuki and started talking.

"Hey, look, isn't this Bakugo Katsuki?"

"Who?" Another asked confused.

"do not you know?"

The other man shook his head.

"That's the victim of the sludge incident."

"Oh, I remembered, it turns out he is the person responsible for the mud incident."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that he would also come to take the exam."

Although they spoke very quietly, Bakugo Katsuki still heard them.

Suddenly, the veins on his forehead stood up and he said to them: "You two bastards? From that school! Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

The two men were so frightened that they immediately started running wildly.

After yelling, Bakugo Katsuki looked back at Su Yuan, then turned around and walked inside.

Midoriya Izuku looked at Su Yuan and smiled bitterly: "His name is Bakugo Katsuki. He is from the same academy as me. Although his temper is a bit grumpy, he is still a good person."

"I know!"

Su Yuan smiled. Although he didn't know much about Bakugo Katsuki, he still had some basic knowledge.

"Really?" Midoriya Izuku smiled awkwardly.

"It's almost time, let's go in." Su Yuan said, stepping in.

Midoriya and Izuku followed closely behind.



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