Hero(es) Department of Heroei High School, exam briefing venue!

Su Yuan glanced at the title and walked in.

The design inside is a bit like the design inside a movie theater.

Su Yuan found a seat and sat down, and Midoriya Izuku followed and sat next to Su Yuan.

About five minutes passed.

The lights in the room suddenly turned on, and the hero's exclusive logo appeared on the big screen.

Immediately afterwards, a loud voice sounded.

"Everyone who is here to take the exam, welcome to my live broadcast today."

Present·Mic danced in front of the screen and shouted.

Present·Mic, English teacher at Hero High School, voice Hero(es).

His task today is to explain the content of the test.

Its ability is to use sound-related "Quirks" and "Sounds" to conduct sonic attacks and spread sound over a wide area.

But don’t look at him as an ordinary commentator.

His terrifying volume, terrifying vocal range, and it is said that his cries at birth made the eardrums of doctors and parents bleed.

Even when facing an opponent who is far away, the sound can be heard far away and over a wide area, possibly damaging the eardrum.


"Are you ready?" Present·Mic shouted again.

As soon as the words fell, the whole place fell into silence.

Present·Mic was slightly disappointed and couldn't help but complain: "It's so boring!"

After saying that, he went straight to the point and continued: "If this is the case, dear candidates, I will now briefly explain to you the outline of the practical test."

"After this, the audience will participate in a 10-minute simulated neighborhood drill. You can bring any items. After I finish explaining, you will go to your designated drill venue."

"There are three types of 'imaginary enemies' in the training ground, and there are a large number of 'imaginary enemies' divided into three types. Each type has a corresponding score."

"And you, using your respective Quirks, can earn points by defeating the 'imaginary enemy'. This is your goal."

"Of course, the rule is, you can't attack the candidates taking the exam with you."

As soon as Present·Mic finished speaking, a man sitting below raised his hand and asked.

"I have questions, can I ask them?" Ida said.

"Of course!" Present·Mic replied.

"On the list, there are four imaginary enemies. The first three have their own scores, but the fourth one does not. Xiongying, as the country's number one higher education institution, made such a mistake..."

Before Ida finished speaking, Present·Mic waved his hand to signal him to stop.

"Okay, student number 7111, the question you asked is exactly what I want to talk about next."

"The fourth type of imaginary enemy has 0 points. This is correct. In other words, their purpose of existence is to interfere with you."

"Every exam venue has such an imaginary enemy running around. Although it is not impossible to defeat it, there is no point even if it is defeated."

"So, my suggestion is that you should avoid him wisely."

Everyone present suddenly realized, muttering quietly, and had to hide quickly when they saw the fourth imaginary enemy.

"Okay, that's all my explanation. Finally, let me share with you the motto of our school. Real Hero(es) are the strong ones who can overcome the misfortune of life and rush to the other side. Come on, everyone!"

Present·Mic finished his explanation and began to disperse, preparing to go to the corresponding examination room.

"Su Yuan?" Midoriya Izuku called from behind.

"Huh?" Su Yuan turned around and looked at him with confusion.

"Which venue are you at?" Midoriya Izuku asked.

Su Yuan looked at which one he had in his hand, and then said slowly: "Practice venue A. What about you?"

Midoriya Izuku sighed and said, "I'm in training venue B. Fortunately, you're in training venue A."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I'm afraid that you will be in the same venue as me and destroy all the imaginary enemies." Midoriya Izuku said his thoughts truthfully.

Su Yuan glanced at him speechlessly: "You think too much."

So saying, and they moved on.

Bakugo Katsuki, who was behind them, looked at the piece of paper in his hand that said Exercise Venue A, and couldn't help but laugh.

After going out, Su Yuan and the others sat on the bus and arrived at the exercise venue A.

After getting off the car, everyone in the car was shocked.

Because the size of the exercise venue was a bit scary.

"He's the number one hero after all! He's so awesome," a man said excitedly.

"Yes, come on, as long as we pass the test, we will be one step closer to our dream." The man next to him replied.

"Don't forget what Present·Mic said. When you encounter the fourth imaginary enemy, don't be arrogant and think about defeating him. Otherwise, you will only suffer a loss."

"Of course I know this, who would be so foolish as to seek death!"

"There's a lot of competition here." Another man sighed.

"What do you say?" asked a man who was not paying attention to his surroundings.

"Didn't you see? The Bakugo who was involved in the silt incident is also here, and Su Yuan from Kitagawa is also here. With the two of them here, at least we are under a lot more pressure."

"No...it can't be. We are so unlucky to bump into the two of them."

As they spoke, the two of them glanced at Su Yuan and Bakugo Katsuki secretly from the corner of their eyes, and frowned involuntarily.

As for Bakugo Katsuki, he's over the moon right now.

He doesn't care about anything now, he just wants to crush Su Yuan.

Prove your strength and be the best.

Just when everyone was standing there thinking it hadn't started yet, Present·Mic's voice sounded again.

"What are you doing? There won't be any countdown in the actual battle. The competition has already started, so hurry up and run!"

The words fell.

Undoubtedly, it was Bakugo Katsuki who reacted the most, directly, using his Quirks, and burst into flames. Quick entry.



Asking for flowers, asking for monthly passes, asking for rewards, and all kinds of things.

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